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#205 : Adam

Adam     Lorsque Gwen arrive au Hub quelques jours de repos, elle a la surprise de rencontrer un homme du nom d'Adam. Elle est troublée par la présence de l'inconnu, mais le reste de l'équipe semble très bien le connaître. Après réflexion la jeune femme se reprend. Après tout cela fait déjà 2 ans qu'Adam a été engagé par Jack pour travailler à Torchwood..


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Logo de la chaîne Game One

France (redif)
Jeudi 02.03.2023 à 23:25

Logo de la chaîne Game One

France (redif)
Jeudi 02.03.2023 à 14:35

Plus de détails

Scénario : Catherine Tregenna

Réalisation : Andy Goddard

Audiences GB : 3,79 millions de téléspectateurs

Crédits : John Barrowman (Capitaine Jack Harkness), Eve Myles (Gwen Cooper), Burn Gorman (Owen Harper), Naoko Mori (Toshiko Sato), Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto Jones), Kai Owen (Rhys Williams), Bryan Dick (Adam Smith), Demetri Goritsas (Père de Jack), Lauren Ward (Mère de jack), Jack Montgomery (Jack jeune), Ethan Brooke (Gray jeune), Rhys Myers (Adam jeune),  Paul Kasey (Weevil), Lloyd Everitt (un jeune), Jo McLaren (femme décédée).

Trivia : Adam apparaît dans le générique de début.

Après un week-end de repos, Gwen et son fiancé Rhys batifolent gaiement au lit. C’est le matin, Gwen supplie Rhys de la laisser partir travailler. Rhys s’étonne de la voir si enthousiaste à l’idée d’aller bosser.

A la Base, Jack ramène un artefact et demande à Tosh et Owen de l’examiner, et à Adam de vérifier les données du passage de l’objet par la Faille. Adam accepte, d’autant que c’est son job à Torchwood depuis trois ans. Gwen arrive enfin, en retard, toute joyeuse, mais son visage s’assombrit dès qu’elle aperçoit Adam à son poste habituel. Elle demande à savoir qui est ce jeune homme, sous le regard sceptique des autres membres. Déçu, Adam lui rappelle qu’il avait posé la même question lorsque Gwen était entrée dans l’équipe. «Tu t’en souviens ?» lui dit-il en posant une main sur son épaule. Tous les bons moments passés ensemble refont surface. Mutine, Gwen sourit et le taquine. Elle n’a pas pu résister à lui faire une blague.

L’atmosphère se détend. Gwen complimente même Tosh, sur sa bonne mine. Adam affiche un air bizarre.




Adam Smith rectifie ses dates d’inscription à Torchwood, en douce. Tosh s’en aperçoit mais ne s’en soucie pas. Elle lui montre l’artefact peu chargé en énergie méson. Adam passe la main sur la nuque de Tosh et éveille chez elle de nombreux souvenirs amoureux. Elle le regarde avec amour. Cela fait un an pile depuis leur premier baiser. Ils s’embrassent passionnément. Owen, portant une tenue qu'on ne lui connaît pas, rompt le charme en remontant du labo. Il s’excuse et ajoute qu’il ne s’attendait pas du tout à voir ce genre de relation au boulot. Il est presque gêné, ce qui ne lui ressemble pas vraiment. Adam et Tosh projettent de se voir en privé le soir même.

Jack fait une visite de routine dans les geôles. Un weevil l’accueille, tout colère. Puis Jack voit un jeune garçon enfermé dans une des prisons. Des images du passé traversent l’esprit du chef mais Gwen le rejoint à l’entrée des geôles. Jack regarde une nouvelle fois dans la prison. Il n’y a plus personne. Pas très grave, se dit Jack en poursuivant son amie comme un gamin le ferait.

Tosh annonce à Gwen et Ianto que la Faille s’est manifestée deux jours plus tôt mais que rien n’en est sorti et cela l’intrigue. Elle vérifie sur son écran. Owen lui tend une souris en peluche et tente de la dérider. C’est un nettoyeur d’écran qu’il veut lui offrir. Tosh lui répond sèchement qu’elle n’a pas besoin d’un rat pour la surveiller. Et qu’elle va l’appeler Owen. Le spectacle attendrit Gwen et Tosh. Adam partage leur avis.

Gwen rentre chez elle. Rhys sort de la douche en peignoir et vient l’accueillir. Gwen panique, elle lui défend d’avancer, lui demande qui il est, et ce qu’il fait chez elle. Et comment connaît-il son nom ? Elle le menace avec un couteau puis avec son flingue. Rhys n’y comprend rien. Elle le tient à distance et appelle Jack au téléphone. Un fou s’est immiscé chez elle. Rhys lui dit qu’ils vivent ensemble. Elle le somme de se taire. Jack et Adam arrivent rapidement et entrent dans l’appartement de Gwen. Voyant Gwen et son arme braquée sur Rhys, Jack l’interroge. Il ne comprend pas non plus. Gwen lui montre un cadre avec un montage photo que cet étranger a fait de lui et de la jeune femme. Elle est sous le choc quand Jack lui apprend que cet homme est bien son fiancé et qu’ils vivent ensemble depuis des années. Mais Gwen n’a jamais vu Rhys de sa vie. C’est impossible. C’en est trop pour Rhys qui accuse Jack et ses coups bas pour l’évincer. Sa jalousie reprend le dessus. Jack parvient à les calmer. La bague de fiançailles que Gwen porte est la preuve de ce que dit Rhys. Adam propose à Gwen de l’accompagner à la Base. Jack va s’occuper de Rhys. Celui-ci s’étonne aussi de voir Adam. Jack le rassure, Adam fait partie de l’équipe.

Owen examine Gwen, mais il ne trouve rien d’alarmant. Il est surpris que Gwen ne se souvienne plus de Rhys. Pendant ce temps, dans l’appartement, Jack demande à Rhys de parler de sa relation avec Gwen et filme la conversation. Rhys parle de leur premier baiser dans un supermarché. Gwen l’écoute depuis la Base et avoue à Adam qu’elle s’en souvient mais pas ce qu’elle avait ressenti. Adam pose la main sur la joue de Gwen et lui répète que cet homme dit la vérité. Mais elle n’éprouve aucune émotion quand Rhys s’effondre presque en larmes devant Jack.

Owen et Tosh travaillent sur l’artefact méson. Owen porte des lunettes de vue pour la première fois. Il est plein d’attentions à l’égard de Tosh et lui a même apporté son sandwich préféré, au saumon fumé. Tosh est surprise. Owen est différent, incontestablement.

Ianto ramène Gwen chez elle. Jack la réconforte et lui assure qu’elle n’a rien à craindre en restant avec Rhys.

Jack et Ianto rejoignent leur véhicule. Gwen souffre d’une amnésie temporelle, selon Owen. Ianto dit à Jack qu’ils doivent chasser un weevil mais Jack n’écoute pas : il a de nouveau la vision du jeune garçon, sur le trottoir. Il demande à Ianto si lui aussi le voit. Négatif. La vision disparaît aussitôt. Jack décide d’aller chercher le weevil tout seul, à la grande déception du jeune homme.

Owen accepte la bière que Tosh lui apporte. C’est une occasion spéciale, lui dit-elle. Cela fait un an qu’elle sort avec Adam. Tosh lui parle de son intimité avec Adam. Elle est provocante, mais est-ce volontaire ? Owen, rongé de douleur, n’en mène pas large. Il essaie de faire diversion mais son sens de la répartie lui fait faux bond.

Dans les égouts, Jack est à la recherche du weevil. Il tombe nez-à-nez avec son père, mort depuis longtemps, qui lui donne l’ordre de fuir, de courir très vite. Jack remonte à la surface, il est à bout de souffle. Soudain Adam l’appelle. Jack lui dit qu’il n’a pas trouvé le weevil. Il s’étonne de voir Adam ici. Ce dernier lui rappelle qu’ils sont venus ensemble, en posant la main sur son épaule. Jack s’en souvient et lui dit qu’il a vu son passé, là, sous leurs pieds.

Gwen et Rhys sont chez eux. Comme deux étrangers. Gwen est sur le qui-vive et ne croit pas à leur histoire.

Adam essaie de faire parler Jack de son passé, son enfance. Il pose encore la main sur son épaule et l’incite à se confier à lui. Réticent au début, Jack finit par céder. Il avait enterré ce passé depuis 150 ans. Adam le persuade qu’on ne peut bloquer le passé éternellement. Jack ferme les yeux et se revoit, enfant, sur la Péninsule de Boeshane, au 51ème siècle. Un endroit envahi par des créatures barbares. Jack revoit son père qui lui donne l’ordre de fuir très vite avec son petit frère Gray. Le père doit les abandonner, en pleine invasion, pour retrouver leur mère. Jack obéit et s’enfuit avec son frère. Mais tenaillé par la peur, il ne se rend pas compte que Gray a lâché sa main. Jack se cache. Lorsque le calme est revenu, Jack cherche son frère de partout sans le retrouver. De retour chez ses parents, il découvre l’horreur. Son père agonise. Et personne pour leur venir en aide. Sa mère est anéantie. Jack n’a jamais revu son frère.

Owen et Tosh travaillent toujours sur l’artefact. Ianto affirme que c’est Jack qui a trouvé cet artefact mais Tosh est sûre que c’est Adam. Ianto les laisse pour aller vérifier leurs deux thèses dans son journal intime.

Owen et Tosh sont enfin seuls. Tosh n’a toujours pas de message d’Adam. Owen voit sa chance tourner. Il est jaloux et triste. Pire, il n’a plus rien à perdre et déclare sa flamme à Tosh, enfin ! Une déclaration maladroite mais sincère, poignante. Seulement la jeune femme amoureuse, qui à un autre moment, aurait été séduite, le prend très mal. Elle quitte la Base, révulsée par tant de culot.

Au supermarché, Gwen grappille des bribes de souvenirs de sa vie passée avec Rhys. Elle commence à y croire.

A la Base, Ianto, en sueurs, referme son carnet quand, soudain, Adam se matérialise à ses côtés sur le canapé. Ianto s’éloigne de lui et lui demande qui il est car il ne figure pas dans son journal. Pas un mot sur lui. Ianto doute tellement de l’existence d’Adam que la main de ce dernier devient translucide, vacillante. Adam attrape Ianto et l’avertit que s’il se défile, il lui remplira la tête de souvenirs propres à lui faire sauter la cervelle. Il s’est infiltré dans la mémoire de Gwen, et pour cela, il a dû lui effacer quelques souvenirs. C’est ainsi qu’il fonctionne. Ianto compte tout dire à Jack. Adam n’est pas d’accord. Il maîtrise vite le corps et la mémoire de Ianto, et lui conseille d’assumer les crimes crapuleux dont il est coupable. Il doit s’en souvenir, s’en souvenir. Luttant de toute son âme, Ianto fléchit, et se retrouve tout seul, terrorisé, avec le visage de ses soi-disant victimes dans la tête.

Au même instant, Jack se souvient de son père mort, de sa mère penchée au dessus de lui, et de sa propre déchéance d’avoir perdu Gray.

Rhys et Gwen sont sur la bonne voie à l’heure de se coucher. Un petit baiser, agréable pour Gwen, et quelques papouilles plus tard, le couple reprend leur activité sous la couette.

Imités par Tosh et Adam. Tosh est assez entreprenante et demandeuse. Elle promet à Adam qu’elle pourrait mourir pour lui. La passion la consume.

Jack rentre à la Base. Ianto l’appelle, dans un murmure. L’inquiétude se lit sur le visage du chef quand il pose les yeux sur son jeune amant. Ianto est aux abois, telle une bête enragée. D’une voix lasse et neutre, Ianto avoue à Jack trois meurtres, puis il se débat contre une force invisible et supplie Jack de l’enfermer dans une prison. Sinon, il risque de s’en prendre à eux. Jack a beau le calmer, rien n’y fait. Quelque chose ne tourne plus rond ici.

Jack fait passer Ianto au détecteur de mensonges. Ianto raconte avec délectation la façon dont il a tué ces filles. C’était si bon de leur ôter la vie. Apparemment Ianto dit la vérité mais Jack refuse d’y croire. Ianto n’est pas un criminel. Il va consulter les ordinateurs. C’est là qu’il voit la vidéo montrant Adam prendre possession des sens du jeune homme. Jack remonte dans la journée et le même schéma se répète. Adam posant la main sur l’épaule de Tosh, de Gwen. Adam avec lui quand il sort des égouts et ces mêmes paroles, «souviens-toi !», à chaque fois. Jack montre sa trouvaille à Ianto qui reprend de l’assurance. Jack vérifie l’échantillon d’ADN d’Adam. Pas d’échantillon. Ianto consulte la dernière mise à jour, faite il y a 24 heures. Tout devient clair.

La Base s‘éclaire aussi. Jack et Ianto font semblant que tout va bien et qu’ils ne faisaient rien de déplacé, devant Owen qui débarque avec un énorme bouquet de fleurs. Tosh arrive avec Adam et découvre le bouquet ainsi que le petit mot d’excuses. Owen vient vers elle pour s’excuser de vive voix et regrette d’avoir mis en péril leur amitié et que l’important pour lui c’est que Tosh soit heureuse.

Ianto évite tout contact avec Adam. Et alors que tout est calme, Jack pointe son arme sur Adam et démasque l’usurpateur. Tosh l’invective. Owen prend la défense d’Adam. Mais Jack explique l’amnésie de Gwen, l’inexistence d’Adam deux jours plus tôt, etc... Jack oblige Adam à le suivre dans les geôles mais Tosh braque une arme sur son chef. Jack la rassure. Il ne va pas lui faire de mal. Tosh ne veut rien entendre. Gwen et Ianto la désarment. Jack enferme Adam. Celui-ci le supplie de ne pas le tuer. Il était obligé d’entrer dans leurs souvenirs pour survivre et il a changé l’équipe, positivement. Que ce sont leurs mémoires et surtout celle, exceptionnelle, de Jack qui l’ont attiré à Torchwood. Jack ne peut pas le tuer. Il le fait vivre.

Jack a réuni son équipe autour de la table de conférence. Adam est un alien qui a changé leur souvenirs, donc leur personnalité. Il leur faut remonter en arrière pour vaincre cette entité. Il donne à chacun une pilule de Retcon et leur demande de remonter à l’époque où aucun d’eux ne se connaissaient. Avant Torchwood. Jack les observe et écoute. Gwen se rappelle de Rhys, à la fac. Owen de sa mère acariâtre. Tosh sourit. Elle aime les Maths. Elle trouve toujours une réponse dans les Maths. Ianto aime Lisa et la perd. Owen est viré de chez sa mère. Enfin il est libre. Gwen est partagée entre son amour pour Rhys et ce qu’elle ressent pour Jack. Jack fait le tour de la table et s’assure que chacun avale sa pilule. Il fait également le lien entre leurs solitudes et sa force fédératrice. Il est là pour eux. Il le sera toujours. Tosh hésite puis ingère la pilule miracle, le visage plein de larmes.

Jack descend voir Adam, qui est épuisé. Bientôt il n’aura plus assez de mémoires pour exister. Il plaide sa cause devant Jack. Prendre le Retcon n’effacera que les bons souvenirs. Car les mauvais appartiennent vraiment à Jack. Adam invite ce dernier à partager les bons souvenirs qu’il a de son père. Avec lui. Adam est persuasif. Jack acquiert à sa demande. Il se revoit enfant, à jouer avec son frère et leur père, heureux. Jack est bien. Un jeune garçon apparaît dans son souvenir, il s’appelle Adam. Le rêve vire à l’altercation et Jack se retrouve seul, dans une tempête de détresse affective. Quand Jack revient à la réalité, Adam, un rictus aux lèvres, lui apprend qu’il fait désormais partie de ses souvenirs et qu’il ne peut plus le tuer. Car s’il le tue, Jack tuera aussi ses derniers bons souvenirs de sa famille perdue à jamais. Malgré les menaces Jack avale la pilule et s’endort, tandis qu’Adam vit ses dernières minutes, enfermé dans la prison. Adam disparaît.

Le lendemain matin, tout est redevenu normal. Sauf que les dernières 48 heures ont été effacées de tous les ordinateurs. Personne ne se souvient de rien.

Dans son bureau, Jack sort l’artefact méson, que personne n’a pu ouvrir, et ramasse un bout de l’objet tombé par terre. Il incruste le bout dans l’artefact qu’il repose sur le bureau. Ianto vient chercher son carnet. Jack l’a trouvé, et lu. «La taille, c’est important», lui dit-il, narquois. L’artefact s’ouvre et tout ce qu’il contient est une poignée de sable. De ce sable si cher aux souvenirs de Jack !


JACK HARKNESS: (v.o.) Torchwood... outside the government, beyond the police... fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st Century is when everything changes... and Torchwood is ready.


Gwen giggles and laughs as Rhys holds onto her leg as she tries to get out of bed. He tries to pull her back.

RHYS : Come on let’s… !

GWEN: No, I can't, I'm late as it is.

He successfully pulls her back into bed and onto her back. She laughs, her shoe clutched in her hand.

GWEN : Argh ! Rhys !

RHYS : You’re itching to go back to work, aren't you ?

She smiles this way and that at him.

RHYS : Oh, I'll take that as a "yes," then.

GWEN : Having you to come home to, that's the best bit. (Beat) Aw...

He doesn’t buy it. He fakes retching and they laugh.



Owen sits at the workstation and looks through a file. He’s dressed in a conservative sweater and is wearing glasses. Jack rushes out of his office carrying a Torchwood locked box.

JACK : Unlabeled Class D artefacts. (He puts it down on the table). Tosh, I need you to run a full check.

Toshiko is walking past on her way back to her workstation.


There’s another man there.

JACK : Owen, you can help.

OWEN : Happy to.

JACK : Adam, I know how much you love audits.

Owen vacates the workstation seat.

ADAM : Ah, it's gotta be done.

JACK : If you could...

ADAM : ... go through the reports, find out when they came through the Rift.

Adam sits down.

JACK : You okay with that ?

Gwen arrives at the workstations area. She takes her jacket off.

ADAM (smiles) : I have been for the last three years.

Adam’s smile fades when he sees Gwen.

JACK : You're late.

GWEN : Yes, Paris was lovely, thank you !

Gwen and Adam look at each other. Gwen looks at the others.

GWEN : Who the hell is this ?

Jack’s smile fades. Owen stands in the autopsy archway and looks at Gwen. Toshiko, who is looking very sexy in a green top unbuttoned down to her cleavage, hair up and no glasses, also looks worriedly at Gwen. Adam gets up and walks over to Gwen.

ADAM : Just cause that's what I said to you on your first day...

He puts his hand on her shoulder.

ADAM : ... remember ?


Gwen sits at her workstation laughing with Adam, who is standing behind her. More flashes of Gwen and Adam laughing, making coffee at the espresso machine, and playing basketball together.Freeze Frame moment of Adam pouring Gwen a cup of coffee.

GWEN : (v.o.) Make a nice strong coffee...


And if she’s suddenly remembered who it was, Gwen smiles at him.

GWEN : Sorry, couldn't resist. Come here, you ! (She gives him a hug. Everyone smiles and the tense moment is gone). Good to see you.

Gwen moves away from Adam and smiles at Toshiko.

GWEN : Hey, Tosh, you're looking good.

Toshiko smiles. Hold on Adam, whose smile fades into a sneer.



Adam’s photo appears on the screen. A personnel information sheet is created for him : NAME : ADAM SMITH. Adam is typing out his information into the system. He quickly glances over his shoulder to make sure no one is watching. D.O.B. : 16/11/82. RECRUITED : 07/05/050 – 0000. He enters the information.

TOSHIKO (o.s.) : Adam ? (He clears the screen back to various images). What are you doing with your personnel file ?

He finishes and turns around. Toshiko is there.

ADAM : Nothing, just finished updating details of rift activity.

She shows him a box with intricate patterns on the side.

TOSHIKO : Any idea when this came through ? It's got a low meson energy reading.

He takes the box from her, looks at it, then sets it aside.

ADAM : No, I'll keep looking.

She looks at him for a moment. Adam touches her neck with familiarity.


Toshiko and Adam are at the workstations. He turns and looks at her. She turns and looks at him. She smiles. Toshiko and Adam are kissing. Freeze frame moment of Adam about to kiss Toshiko.


Adam and Toshiko kiss passionately.

ADAM : A year ago today.

TOSHIKO : Our first kiss.

ADAM : You remembered.


They continue kissing. Owen arrives at the workstations and sets the tray down loudly. Toshiko and Adam look at Owen.

TOSHIKO : You okay, Owen ?

OWEN : Uh, yes, yes, yes. Don't worry about me. N... no, it's just, uh... kissing in work... um, I wasn't expecting it.

Owen removes his gloves and heads back down to the autopsy area.

ADAM : We'll celebrate tonight.

Adam kisses Toshiko again. She smiles and walks away. We linger on Adam, his smile fades.



The door opens and Jack walks in. He hits the lights and passes by the cell with the Weevil in it. The weevil gets up, slams its hands against the glass, and growls loudly. Jack turns back and stops in front of the weevil cell.

JACK : Save it !

Jack again turns and stops as he passes by the next cell. Inside in a little boy. Jack turns and looks at the boy.


A child’s hand slips out of a larger hand.


Jack is spooked as he looks at the little boy in the cell.

GWEN : (o.s.) Jack ? Jack turns and finds Gwen standing in the doorway. When he turns back to look at the cell, the little boy is gone. Was he even there at all ?

Jack heads over to Gwen.

GWEN : You okay ?

JACK : Yeah, fine.

He laughs nervously and glances back at the cell behind him. Gwen slaps Jack on his behind.

GWEN : Did you miss me ?

JACK : Were you gone ?

Jack reaches to grab Gwen, she turns and runs out laughing. Jack chases after her. In the doorway, he stops and turns around to look back. The weevil in the cell growls.


Toshiko heads toward her workstation. Gwen and Ianto are sitting side-by-side on the couch. Gwen is flipping through the file while Ianto is toying with a device.

TOSHIKO : Just doing a quick check. We had rift activity two days ago, but nothing seems to have come through.

Adam is sitting at another workstation. A small stuffed rodent peers out from behind Toshiko’s monitor.

OWEN : (o.s.) Apart from me !

Gwen smiles. Owen laughs as he squeezes the stuffed toy, making it squeak. He waves it at Toshiko.

TOSHIKO : What's that ?

OWEN : It's a screen-cleaner. I thought you might like it, um... Do you... do you like it ?

TOSHIKO : Just what I need. A small rodent looking at me while I work. (She steps away, pauses, and looks over her shoulder). Think I'll call it Owen.

Owen sighs as he clutches the folder to his chest and heads back to the autopsy area. Gwen chuckles.

GWEN : He's like a little puppy, bringing her sticks. When's he gonna realize he's got no chance ?

IANTO : Love's blind, apparently. He's idolized her for years now.

ADAM : Oh, leave him alone. I think it's sweet. He's happy.



Lovely city night lights.


Gwen returns home, steps into the living room and finds the lights on. She’s puzzled by this. She takes her bag off just as Rhys steps into the room, his robe on and wiping his hair with a towel. Gwen puts her bag down. Rhys sees her, smiles and walks up to her from behind. He reaches for her to turn her around.

RHYS : E-e-ey !

Gwen screams. Thinking she’s just startled, Rhys laughs.

GWEN : Stop it !

Gwen steps away from him and into the kitchen.

RHYS : Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you.

GWEN : How did you get in ?

RHYS : With a key !

Gwen picks up the large knife out of the rack. She holds it on Rhys.

RHYS : What ? (Serious). This isn't funny.

GWEN (eyes wide and scared) : Stay back, all right ? Stay back !

RHYS : Gwen, what's going on ?

GWEN : How do you know my name ? Huh ?

Gwen takes her gun out and cocks it. She points it at Rhys.

GWEN : I know how to use this. Now, who are you ? And what do you want ?

RHYS : You know who I am...

GWEN : Fine, if you won't tell me, fine. You stay there.

She takes her phone out of her bag and dials with one hand while holding the gun on Rhys.

GWEN : Don't you move. (To phone) : Jack... yeah, someone's broken into my flat. He had a key. He knows my name.

RHYS : It’s because I live here with you !

GWEN (to Rhys) : Shut it ! Shut it ! (To phone) Yeah. Can you hurry, Jack ? He's a nutter. (Hangs up and drops the phone). You have picked the wrong girl to stalk, mate.

Rhys looks at Gwen.


Jack and Adam get out of the SUV. They hurry, their guns out. Jack jumps up to the curb, rushes toward the building, then stops and hits the intercom buzzer.


Rhys moves out of the way, his hands up in the air. Gwen hurries toward the door. He tries again.

RHYS : Gwen ?

GWEN : Stay there !

The buzzer sounds again and again as Gwen backs away toward the door. Rhys puts his hands down and looks at her with exasperation. She picks up the phone.

GWEN : Jack ?



JACK (to intercom) ; Gwen, it's us !


Gwen drops the phone and buzzes him in.


Jack and Adam enter the building.


Gwen keeps her gun on Rhys and returns to the living room.

GWEN : In here, Jack !

RHYS (quietly) : Gwen...

Jack and Adam enter the room. Jack finds Gwen with her gun on Rhys. Jack and Adam keep their guns on Rhys, but clearly Jack is just as puzzled.

JACK : What's going on ?

GWEN : You tell me. Look !

She picks up a framed photo and shows it to them.

GWEN : He's put photos of us up. (Rhys rolls his eyes). He must have done it while I was at work. He's deluded ! He keeps saying he's my boyfriend.

JACK : He is. It's Rhys.

Rhys turns and looks at Gwen.

GWEN : I've never seen him before in my life !

Jack steps next to Rhys.

JACK : You've been with him for years.

RHYS : See !

Jack holds out his hand.

JACK : Give me the gun, Gwen.

GWEN : No ! He... he grabbed me, Jack. Who knows what he was going to do ?

RHYS : How can you say that ?! (To Jack) What have you done to her ?

JACK : Nothing.

RHYS : Oh, come on ! I know what kind of sick games you play. Pills that make you forget, is that what this is, yeah ? Are you phasing me out so you can have her all to yourself ?

JACK : Hey !

Rhys grabs Jack. Jack grabs Rhys. Gwen steps forward with her gun still on Rhys.

GWEN : Stay away from him !

Jack puts a hand on Gwen’s gun to stop her from pointing it at Rhys.

JACK : Hey !

RHYS (upset) : We're engaged ! I bought you the bloody ring you're wearing !

Gwen looks at Jack. Jack nods for her to look. Gwen lifts her hand up and sees the ring. She really looks shocked. She goes back to holding the gun. Adam steps forward.

ADAM : Why don't you come with me to the Hub.

RHYS (to Adam) : Who the hell are you ?

JACK : He's one of us.

ADAM : We can check you. Jack will stay and take care of things.

JACK (softly to Gwen) : Okay.

Gwen puts her gun down. Adam leads Gwen toward the door.

GWEN : Don't let him go. If he comes after me again, I'll kill him.

Gwen and Adam leave. Jack looks at Rhys.

JACK : Trust me, I didn't do this. But whatever's happened... we'll put it right.

Rhys nods.



Owen uses a penlight and checks Gwen’s eyes as Adam watches.

OWEN : Right, well, no signs of long-term damage, as far as I can see. Or alien intervention. But, I must be missing something. I'm sorry, but it's a mystery to me why you can't remember Rhys.



Jack sets a digital video recorder down on the coffee table and faces it toward Rhys.

RHYS : Is this really necessary ?

JACK : She needs to remember.

Rhys sighs.

JACK : Where did you meet ?

RHYS : Er, college. Fancied her from the moment I saw her. Uh, not-not just her looks, you know, I mean, I mean she is a looker, I... oh, I...

Rhys puts his head in his hands runs them back through his hair.



Gwen is watching the video on the monitors. On the monitor, Rhys groans.

JACK (o.s., from monitor) : Tell me about your first kiss.

RHYS (from monitor) : Um, in the supermarket. I was going to make a spag bol... and then I realized that it’s got bloody garlic. Can't kiss a girl with garlic breath.

Rhys chuckles. Adam kneels next to Gwen.

RHYS (from monitor) : So, um... we were in the queue and... uh...

ADAM : Do you remember that ?

GWEN : Sort of. It's like I'm...

RHYS (from monitor) : I said, I wanted to do something else. Something without garlic.

GWEN : I'm seeing what he's saying, but...

RHYS (b.g., from monitor) : So she gets pissed off.

GWEN : I don't remember how I... felt.

RHYS (b.g., from monitor) : Because the queues are so long.

Adam cups Gwen’s cheek with the palm of his hand.

ADAM : Believe me when I tell you that that is your fiancé.

RHYS (b.g., from monitor) : ... and I kick off...

ADAM : Your memory's just playing tricks on you, that's all. Okay.

RHYS (from monitor) : ...and I end up shouting out why I'm changing the recipe.

GWEN (to Adam) : Okay.


RHYS : She starts to laugh.


RHYS (from monitor) : She calls me "Rhys the Rant" and then she kissed me, right there in the queue.


RHYS : And I, and I, and I thought then, Jack, I... (voice breaks) I thought, "I'm going to marry this bloody mad woman, even if it kills me."


He looks at the monitor and shakes his head. Hold on Gwen, who can’t remember a thing.



Owen takes the artefact box out of a scanning device. Toshiko walks in.

TOSHIKO : Worked out what that thing is yet ?

OWEN : No joy yet. (He puts the box on the table). But you should have a look at the detail, Tosh. It's gorgeous.

She walks over to him and picks up the box. He immediately grabs the box to help her. He looks at her.

OWEN : Oh, let me get that.

TOSHIKO : Have you managed to open it yet ?

OWEN : Uh, no, sorry. I'm not doing very well, am I ?

She goes over to the laptop.

TOSHIKO : It's gonna be a long night.

OWEN : Yes, which is why I brought...

He puts the box down and picks up a red and a blue container.

OWEN : ... some sandwiches ! (He slides the red container across the table toward her). One for you... and one for me. Smoked salmon, that is your favorite, isn't it ?

TOSHIKO : How d'you know that ?

She looks at him. Owen can’t meet her gaze.

TOSHIKO : I'm gonna need a beer.

She heads toward the door. The door opens.

OWEN : What ? While we're working ?!

She turns and looks back over her shoulder at him.

OWEN : Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah, right. Um, relax, kick back, it's a good idea.

The door closes behind her.

OWEN (calls out) : Er, not for me though, thanks !

The door closes shut, leaving Owen alone in the room.



Ianto walks in and looks over at Jack sitting at the counter with Rhys in the kitchen. The door closes off screen. Ianto turns and motions behind him. Gwen steps into the living room. Jack gets up and heads toward the door. As he passes Gwen, she grabs him.

GWEN (desperately) : Don't leave me, Jack.

He looks at her.

JACK : You'll be okay.

Jack sets her away from him and heads for the door. He heads out. Ianto gives Gwen a thumb’s up before following Jack out and leaving Gwen alone with Rhys. She turns and looks at Rhys, this stranger who is her fiancé.



Jack and Ianto head back to their SUV.

JACK : What was that all about ?

IANTO : Temporary amnesia. Owen's checking possible causes. Oh...

Ianto tosses the car keys to Jack. Jack catches it, turns and unlocks the SUV. The alarm chirps. He turns and sees a young boy standing on the other side of the street. The sight of the boy freezes him. He looks as if he’s seen a ghost.

IANTO : Weevil sighting by the sewer in Rockall Street.

There’s no response.

IANTO : Jack...

Jack doesn’t answer him. He continues to stare at the boy standing across the street.

IANTO : Jack !

Jack turns to Ianto.

JACK : Can you see him ?

IANTO : Who ?

There’s a whoosh. Jack turns around and the boy is gone ! Jack is freaking out.

JACK : I'll drop you off and check out the sighting.

Jack opens the car door and gets inside the car. Ianto gets into the passenger side and closes the door.

IANTO : I could come with you. It's been a while since we went hunting together.

JACK : I'll be fine on my own.



Owen is sitting in a chair at the conference table and going through a file. The door opens and closes. He looks up as Toshiko walks in carrying two beers. Her top buttons are undone, showing a daring amount of cleavage. She puts one of the beer bottles on the table in front of Owen and offers him the bottle opener.

TOSHIKO : Go on. Live a little.

OWEN : Well, as it's you. (He takes the bottle opener. Toshiko sits on the table and crosses her legs). Thank you.

TOSHIKO : Call it a celebration.

OWEN : Oh, yes ?

He opens his bottle and clinks his bottle to hers.

TOSHIKO : Adam and I have been together for one year today.

OWEN : Right, right.

TOSHIKO : A whole year. My stomach still flips when he touches me. I've never known anything like it. The two of us, we just fit. D'you know what I mean ?

OWEN : Um, not sure I do, no.

She puts her beer bottle down and pats his hand.

TOSHIKO : Don't worry. You'll meet the right girl one day.

OWEN : Yeah. Tosh...

She turns and looks over her shoulder at him with a half-smile on her face.

OWEN : Um... um... D'you really think I look like a rodent ?

TOSHIKO : Come on, we're going to crack this box even if it kills us.


Jack jumps down the ladder and looks around the sewers with his flashlight.

JACK : Come out, come out, wherever you are.

He starts down one way, then stops and turns around when he hears a faint growling.

JACK : Giving me the runaround, huh ? You picked the wrong day, my friend.

Jack starts down the corridor, then stops abruptly at the sight of a familiar face.

FRANKLIN (VISION) : Get out ! Get out, son.

JACK : Dad ?

FRANKLIN (VISION) (shouts) : Run !

Jack turns and runs.


Jack climbs out of the hole to the sewers. He takes a few steps, freaked and panting.

ADAM (o.s.) : Jack ?

Jack whirls around and finds Adam standing there.

ADAM : Was it down there ? The weevil ?

JACK : No. How did you get here ?

ADAM : Well, I came with you, Jack, remember ?

Adam puts a hand on Jack’s shoulder.

JACK : Yeah, of course.

ADAM : Are you okay ? Jack, what did you see ?

JACK : My past.


Gwen and Rhys sit uncomfortably on the couch, an awkward silence around them. Gwen puts the framed photo of them down on the coffee table. She still can’t remember.

GWEN : If what you say is true...

RHYS : It is. We love each other.

He reaches to put a hand on Gwen’s arm and she pulls away from him.

GWEN : But how could I forget that ?

Rhys shakes his head and stands up. He heads for the kitchen and checks the refrigerator. He shuts the refrigerator door.

RHYS (sighs) : Nothing in. I was going to take you out for a meal. (He pours himself a drink). Didn't want the weekend to finish, I suppose.

Gwen doesn’t say anything. She eyes the many framed photos on the counter of the two of them together and happy.


It’s raining. Jack is walking away. Adam follows.

ADAM : Jack, please. Talk to me. What about the past ? Is it your childhood ?

Jack stops and whirls around. Adam walks up to him. He puts a hand on Jack’s shoulder.

ADAM : I've always been here for you, Jack. From the very beginning. I'm the one you can confide in, remember ?

JACK : It was meant to be buried. I buried the memory over 150 years ago. Why now ?

Jack turns and walks away again.

ADAM : Well, maybe it's time. Maybe up until now, your subconscious was protecting you. But you can't block out the past forever.

JACK : I can't afford to remember.

Jack steps out onto a court. Adam follows him.

ADAM : Jack, talk to me, please.

JACK : Why ?

ADAM : I can help. Trust me.

JACK : I'm not sure I should do this.

ADAM : Just tell me what you see. I can help you. That's why I'm here.

Jack closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

ADAM : Where are you, Jack ?


Adult Jack standing on a planet and staring out at the horizon, nothing but sand, sun and heat in front of him. Jack’s eyes are closed as he remembers.


Young Jack standing on a planet and staring out at the horizon, nothing but sand, sun and heat in front of him. Jack is quiet as he remembers. Adam watches him.


A pair of young legs run up a sand hill. At the top, Young Jack looks out at the coastline, where the water meets the sand. In the horizon is a large structure built on a penninsula. From where Young Jack stands, it looks as if the structure is on the water, but it’s not.


Jack smiles as he remembers.


Young Jack stands on the sand hill looking at the structure, presumably his home.

JACK (v.o.) : Boeshane Peninsula. My home in the 51st Century.


JACK : We lived under the threat of invasion.


People are running for the trees in panic. Young Jack is holding hands with his younger brother as they follow the others and run toward the trees.


JACK : They came without warning. We thought they'd pass over us, like they always did.


Young Jack ducks for cover in the roots of a large tree. He’s alone. The others run past him.


JACK (achingly) : But they didn't. Not that day.

ADAM : Who ?

JACK : The most horrible creatures you could possibly imagine.

CUE SOUND : (V.O.) Someone screams.


People are running in a panic. Franklin and Young Gray are running toward Young Jack.

JACK (v.o.) : Their howls traveled before them.

FRANKLIN (to Young Jack) : Run. Take Gray. Keep him safe !


Jack has his hand stretched out in front of him as he remembers.

JACK : Take Gray.

ADAM : Gray ?


Young Jack and Young Gray run toward each other and hug. Young Jack swings Young Gray around and around in circles. It’s happier times.

JACK (v.o.) : My little brother.


Jack gasps from the agonizing memory.


Young Jack grabs Franklin’s sleeve as he pulls away to go back.

YOUNG JACK : No, no, Dad. Come with us.

FRANKLIN : No, I've got to go get your mother. (He pushes Young Jack away and shouts). Run !

Young Jack takes Gray’s hand and starts running. Franklin watches them for a moment, then turns and heads back.


JACK (distressed) : One minute, I was holding his hand.


Young Jack and Gray are running. Gray trips and falls. Young Jack continues running. Gray gets up and tries to keep up. Young Jack runs and takes cover in the tree roots.


JACK : I don't know when he let go.


Young Jack looks around and realizes that Gray’s not with him.

YOUNG JACK : Gray ? Gray ?

Young Jack steps out of his hiding place and looks around. Everyone is gone. Jack is standing in the background watching.

YOUNG JACK (shouts) : Gray ! (Runs to look for Gray). Gray, where are you ? Gray !

Jack turns and continues narrating.

JACK : One minute, his hand was in mine, I don't know when he let go. I don't think I noticed, I thought he was there, just behind me.

He watches Young Jack running and looking for Gray. There are dead bodies littered in the sand.


JACK : I retraced my steps, hoping that I'd see him again.


Jack turns to look at Adam.

ADAM : Did you find him ?


Young Jack runs along the shoreline toward the large buildings on the peninsula.


JACK : I ran all the way home.

YOUNG JACK : Where are you ? Gray !


ADAM : Jack, what did you find ?

Jack covers his face with his hands.


Young Jack arrives at home. He finds his father dead, shot in the chest.

YOUNG JACK : Dad ? No ! (He falls to his knees). Can someone help ? Please !

Young Jack looks around. Jack stands in the background watching the scene.

JACK : I searched for Gray for years.


JACK : I never found the body.

ADAM : It wasn't your fault.

JACK : I let go of his hand ! It was the worst day of my life. It's the last thing I want to remember.

Jack walks past Adam and leaves.



Toshiko reads the test results as Owen examines the box. Ianto leans against the doorframe watching them. The various clocks on the walls in the conference room read various times throughout the scene, 10:35, 11:47 and 2:30. Go figure.

TOSHIKO : So, according to the molecular breakdown, this potentially alien complex artefact is, in fact, made out of wood.

OWEN : Well, perhaps it fell in the crate by mistake. Picked up meson energy from the other stuff.

TOSHIKO (scoffs) : Yeah, right !

OWEN (mumbles) : Oh, yes, sorry, it's a stupid idea.

IANTO : I think Jack brought it in.

TOSHIKO : No, I'm sure Adam found it on an excavation a few months back.

IANTO : I'll have a look in the diary. I like to log the interesting stuff.

TOSHIKO (amused) : You write about artefacts in your diary ?

IANTO : Among other things.

Ianto winks at her, turns and leaves.

OWEN : So, we are done for the night.

TOSHIKO : I guess.

OWEN : Everything all right ?

TOSHIKO : Yeah, just, Adam hasn't rung yet.

Toshiko walks over and picks up the box. She heads back to her laptop.

OWEN : Ah. Sure he will. I know I would, if it was our anniversary. I wouldn't disappear. In fact, I would... uh... cherish you.

TOSHIKO : Ah, Owen !

OWEN : Yeah, no, no... um... really, really, I would. In fact, I wouldn't let you out of my sight, Tosh... because I love you.

TOSHIKO (surprised) : What ?

OWEN : Yeah, there we are. I've said it. I... I love you. Yes, I always have, actually, ever since we started working together, and in fact, I actually ache for you, you know, physically. When you're in the room, I when you’re in the room I just want to reach out and touch you and...

TOSHIKO (uncomfortable) : Owen !

OWEN : No, no, no, you know, I can't keep this secret any more ! My mum said to me, "Seize the day," and so I am seizing it, and you know I've got so much love to give you, Tosh, and, and you know, you won't know that unless I tell you. So here I am, telling you that I love you. You know I know there's Adam, okay, but you know, I think... In fact, I know that we would be amazing together, um... if you would only just give it a chance. (Toshiko looks away and is silent). Oh, God. Say something.

TOSHIKO (bursts) : That is completely inappropriate.

OWEN : Pardon ?

TOSHIKO : What are you thinking of ?

OWEN : I'm sorry, I just wanted you to know.

TOSHIKO : How dare you! I'm with Adam. (Heads for the door) And even if I wasn't... you're not my type. Never will be.

She leaves. The door shuts behind her.

OWEN : Oh.



Rhys and Gwen are out marketing. Rhys grabs a package out of the refrigerator unit and drops it in his basket. Gwen stands on the side and watches.

GWEN : Maybe I should be on my own tonight.

RHYS : No way. What if you forget who you are ?

GWEN : I know who I am.

He walks past her.

RHYS : It's not just you who's lost something.

He puts his basket on the cash register counter.

GWEN : But you remember.

RHYS : All you know about me.

The cashier’s phone rings and he answers it.

RHYS : You're my girl, my best friend.

CASHIER (to phone) : Hey, you all right ? What's happening ?


RHYS : Suddenly, all that's gone.

The cashier walks away.

CASHIER (to phone) : A stormer of a night ! What about her, mate ?

Rhys watches him walk away, getting more and more pissed.

RHYS : Where's he going now ? He just walked off ! He knows I'm waiting. (Loudly). Oh, fine. I'll help myself, then !

He pulls out some money and puts it on the counter.

RHYS (rants) : Here you are ! Keep the change ! (Gwen starts to giggle). Buy some spot cream ! I'm not coming here again. It's overpriced. There's a £1.50 charge on the cash machine. It's a bloody disgrace.

Gwen starts laughing.

RHYS : Honestly, kids these days. Don't know the meaning of hard wo...

He turns and stops when he sees Gwen laughing.

RHYS : What ?

GWEN : Rhys... Rhys the Rant. (Her smile fades, the words coming from nowhere). Always when you're in a queue, or driving, or when you're on the phone to one of those, um (she motions pushing a button), automated phone thingies...

She nods and starts crying. He takes her hand.

RHYS (gently) : Hey, it's okay. It's okay.

Gwen holds onto Rhys’ hand as he picks up his bags.

RHYS : Come on, sweetheart.

They leave.



It’s dark and quiet. Ianto sits alone on the couch reading through his diary. He flips through the pages, scanning the pages quickly and looking for something. Finally, he closes the book and looks a little freaked. He sits forward and puts the book down on the coffee table. He leans back on the couch. Reveal : Adam sitting on the other end of the couch watching him.

ADAM : What's wrong ?

Startled, Ianto jumps off the couch and moves away from him. Adam reaches for the diary left on the coffee table.

IANTO : My diary.

Adam picks up the diary and holds it up.

IANTO : You're not in it.

Adam opens the diary and looks through it.

IANTO : Everyone else is.

Adam is on his feet and approaches Ianto. He’s still looking through the diary. He looks at Ianto.

IANTO : Why would I leave you out when you've been here so long ?

Adam closes the diary.

IANTO : Like I'm remembering a man who doesn't exist.

Adam’s face scrunches up in anger. He deliberately drops the diary. The hand holding the diary flickers. Adam grabs his arm to steady it. Ianto watches. Adam’s arm solidifies. Ianto looks at Adam.

IANTO : What are you ?

Adam grabs Ianto and slams him up against the wall.

ADAM : Cross me, and I will fill you full of fake memories until your head is on fire, because that's how I exist.

Ianto pushes Adam away from him.

IANTO : Gwen ? What did you do to her ?

Adam advances toward Ianto, who backs away from him.

ADAM : Memory is a very delicate thing. Feeding myself in wiped other memories out. It's a side-effect of what I have to do in order to survive.

IANTO : Jack has to know.

Adam slams Ianto up against the wall and places his palm flat against Ianto’s forehead. Ianto gasps and chokes.

ADAM : Remember this.


It’s night. Ianto is choking a woman. He throws her onto a mattress on the ground against a wall in an alley.

ADAM (v.o.) : I know you didn't mean to kill her.

Ianto kneels in front of the woman and pushes her back down as she fights him off.

ADAM (v.o.) : You just couldn't stop yourself.


Adam grabs Iantos’ forehead again. Ianto gasps and chokes.

ADAM (firmly) : Remember this.


Ianto punches the woman.


Ianto grunts from the force memory, Adam’s hand is firmly on his forehead.


Ianto holds the woman down onto the mattress as she fights him.


Ianto groans from the forced memory. He slides down the side of the wall with Adam’s hand still on his forehead. Ianto plops down on the floor.


Ianto looks at Adam.

IANTO : I didn't do that.


Adam is standing in another alley. It’s a rainy night.

ADAM : Oh, yes, you did, and she wasn't the first.

He turns and steps out of view. A woman runs toward the closed warehouse door. She cowers
as Ianto approaches her.

WOMAN : Please don't hurt me !

ADAM (v.o.) : Good old Ianto, loyal Ianto.


Yet another night and another alleyway. Ianto follows behind a woman walking, unnoticed that he’s there.

ADAM (v.o.) : Roaming the streets at night for bait.'


Ianto looks at Adam.

IANTO (gasps) : My... diary!


It’s night. Adam and Ianto are walking through an alley. Adam is holding the diary as Ianto staggers and leans on him.

ADAM : All human record is a lie.

Adam tosses the diary away. He hooks his elbow around Ianto’s neck.

ADAM : You twist it into what you want to believe.


Ianto is leaning up against the warehouse door.


Ianto backs away from Adam, who is towering over him.

ADAM : But we know the rot in your heart. You crave flesh.

IANTO (gasps) : No. Please.

Adam grabs Ianto and holds onto his head, forcing the fake memory into him. Ianto gasps.


Adam grabs Ianto’s head. They are back in the alley.

ADAM (firmly) : Remember it.

IANTO (screams) : Aaargh !


Ianto punches the woman in the stomach, slamming her back against the warehouse door. She gasps from fear. He grabs her face.

ADAM : Remember it. Remember it !


In another alley. Up on the alley wall behind him are two shadows. The Ianto shadow slugs the woman shadow.


Ianto leans into the terrified woman against the warehouse door.

ADAM (v.o.) : Remember it !


Adam holds onto Ianto’s head. Ianto screams.

IANTO : Aaargh !


Adam and Ianto are carrying the body in a rolled-up blanket between them through the alley and they dump it into a garbage bin.

ADAM : I helped you dump the bodies.

Adam puts a hand on Ianto’s shoulder.

ADAM : It's me you call.


Adam kisses Ianto. He holds Ianto up against his chest.

ADAM : You know, I forgot what a rush it is, feeding in the bad stuff.

Ianto cowers and clings to Adam. Adam is through with Ianto. He pats him on the forehead and walks away. Ianto turns this way and that way.


Ianto is back in the rainy alley. He’s on the ground. Where is he exactly, he doesn’t know. He’s back in the hub. Ianto is sitting in the rainy alley. He turns and gasps as he sees the dead woman slumped against the warehouse door. He yells with fright. He curls up on the ground, hugs his knees to his chest and cries.



Jack is looking out at the city below. He remembers.



A woman runs out of the building toward Young Jack, who is kneeling next to Franklin’s dead body. She kneels next to her husband’s body.

JACK’S MOM : Franklin ? Franklin, wake up. (Sobs). Please !

He doesn’t stir. She bows her head and cries.

YOUNG JACK (reaches out) : Mom ?

She turns and hugs Young Jack.

JACK’S MOM : Where's Gray ?

Young Jack’s face falls. He doesn’t know and probably just realizes that Gray’s not there.

JACK’S MOM : Where's Gray ? Where is he, son ? (Firmly). Where is he ?

YOUNG JACK : We were running so fast.


Youngs Jack and Gray are holding hands and running along with the other people.


YOUNG JACK : One moment, his hand was in mine...

Young Jack and Gray are running. Gray trips and falls, breaking the contact. Young Jack continues running.

JACK’S MOM : No, not my little boy !

She cries. Young Jack stands up and takes a step back as he looks at his mom.

JACK’S MOM : Not my little boy !

Jack is standing just behind Young Jack.

JACK : Why now ?


JACK : Why now ?

Jack turns and looks out at the city.



Rhys is sitting on the edge of the bed. Gwen steps into the room wearing a pink bathrobe over her pajamas. She removes her robe, drops it on the floor and slips into bed.

RHYS : Anything ?

GWEN : It's still a bit of a blur, but I'm getting there.

RHYS : That's all we've got, really. Memories. That's what brought us to here... to this point.

GWEN : We found it before, we'll find it again.

RHYS : You know, I, um... (clears throat) ... I always worried that you'd... that you'd just settled for me, you know. ‘Cause if you met me now, Gwen, with all that goes on in your life, could be that you wouldn't look twice at me.

GWEN: Don't say that.

He kisses her.

RHYS : Do you remember that ?

GWEN : No. It felt like the first time. But it was nice.

Rhys smiles. He leans forward and kisses her neck. Gwen pulls away.

GWEN : I like that.

RHYS : I know.

GWEN : Remind me some more.

She nods toward the bed. They share a smile and lie down out of camera frame.



Adam and Toshiko are kissing and undressing each other. Toshiko pulls Adam’s shirt up and over his head. They’re panting and kissing heavily. She pushes him backward onto the bed.

WIDE SHOT of the room shows her shoes discarded on the floor near a nearly empty bottle of wine and two partiallyfilled glasses. Toshiko crawls over Adam and kisses his chest and up to his mouth. He rolls them over as they continue to kiss. He pulls back and looks at her. She touches his lips.

TOSHIKO : What's wrong ?

ADAM : How far would you go for me ?

She reaches for his jeans. He grabs her hand and stops her.

ADAM : I need to know.

She leans forward to kiss him, but he pulls back out of her reach.

ADAM : Would you die for me ?

TOSHIKO (nods) : Yes.

They kiss.



Jack returns. He heads up the stairs.

IANTO (o.s., whispers) : Jack.

Jack stops. He turns.

JACK (smiles) : Ianto.

Jack starts back down the stairs, making his way toward Ianto, who is sitting with his back to the spiral stairs in the coffee area.

JACK : Hey. (As he gets closer, he sees that Ianto isn’t looking good). What's wrong ?

IANTO : You'll have to put me in the vaults. Lock me up. I killed three girls. (Sniffles). Strangled them.

JACK (doesn’t believe it) : Stop kidding around.

IANTO : I'm serious. I murdered them, in cold blood. I took their bodies, and...

Ianto surges noisily to his feet. He looks around, obviously still trapped in his bad memories. Jack watches him carefully.

IANTO : You have to lock me away... before I turn on you. None of you are safe.

Ianto starts past Jack. Jack grabs Ianto’s arm to stop him.

JACK : Hey, hey. (He grabs and turns Ianto around to look at him). Come here, come here. What's happened to you ?

Jack holds Ianto.

IANTO (whispers) : I'm a monster.

And he truly believes it, too.



Jack is sitting at his desk and setting up a machine with a green light pointed toward Ianto, who is sitting on the other side of the desk with his sleeves rolled up and arms on the arm rest. The machine beeps.

JACK : Best lie detector on the planet. If something's untrue, the light turns red. (Flicks the switch). Go.

The green light on the machine turns on and off.

IANTO : My... hands on her throat.


Ianto chokes the woman in the alley.

IANTO : And it felt so good. Squeezing the life out of her.

Jack continues to look at the machine. The green light continues to flash.

IANTO : It reads as truth.

Jack looks at Ianto.

JACK (firmly) : I don't believe it. Okay, tell me about the second girl.


It’s a rainy night. The woman runs up against the warehouse door.

IANTO : She tried to get away...

Distorted : Ianto chokes the woman.

IANTO : ... but I was too quick. Pleading... and I... I didn't care. Something in me wants to kill.

Jack looks at Ianto over the green light.

JACK : No. This is not you.

He grabs the light off the machine and it goes out. He gets to his feet and walks around the desk.

JACK : Something's changed you. You're not a murderer.

He passes Ianto and puts a hand on his shoulder.

JACK : I'm certain of it.


Jack is at one of the workstations. He’s typing on the keyboard, going through the CCTV security video from inside the hub. He finds something, a video of Ianto cowering on the floor.

ADAM (from video) : All human record is a lie. (On the video, Ianto tries to get away). You crave flesh. Remember this.

Jack can’t believe what he’s seeing. From the video, Ianto screams. Jack goes back further on the CCTV video. He finds a clip of Adam with Toshiko.

ADAM (from video) : A year ago today... (He puts a hand on Toshiko’s neck). You remembered.


Adam puts his hand on Toshiko’s neck.

ADAM (clearer) : Do you remember that ?


On the video, they watch as Adam kisses Toshiko. Jack looks for more clips. He finds one of Gwen just entering the hub.

GWEN (from video) : Who the hell is this ?

Adam walks up to Gwen.

ADAM (from video) : Just ‘cause that's what I said to you on your first day, remember ?

On the video, Adam puts his hand on Gwen’s shoulder. Jack rewinds the video.

ADAM (from video) : Remember ?


Adam puts his hand on Gwen’s shoulder. Jack watches from just behind Adam.

ADAM (from video) : Remember ?


Jack remembers something else.


ADAM (clearer) : Well, I came with you, Jack, remember ?

Adam puts his hand on Jack’s shoulder.

ADAM : Remember ? (Adam’s hand is on Jack’s shoulder). Remember.

Jack remembers what Adam said.

ADAM (v.o.) : I can help you, that's why I'm here.


Jack turns to get Ianto, who is sitting on the steps in the back. The video continues to run on the computer.

ADAM (from video) : Remember this.

Jack grabs Ianto’s wrist and pulls him. Ianto resists him.


Jack pulls him toward the workstation monitor.

JACK : Come here. Come here, just look. (Points) Look.

On the monitor, Adam touches Ianto’s forehead, forcing the memory into him.

ADAM (from video) : Remember it.

Ianto screams.

ADAM (from video) : Remember it. Remember it. Remember it. Remember it.



Jack opens the refrigerator door, looking for the team’s blood samples. He pulls out the entire tray. He checks each vial. Jack looks at Ianto, who is sitting on the floor nearby.

JACK : Where's Adam's blood sample ?

Ianto gets up and goes to the workstation. He pulls up Adam’s personnel information.

IANTO : Everything's in order here.

JACK : When was it last updated ?

IANTO : Um... (He checks). Twenty-four hours ago.

The overhead lights switch on. Ianto quickly changes the monitor screen and gets up out of the chair. Jack turns away and picks up a book. He casually opens and looks at it. Owen stumbles in carrying a large bouquet of flowers. They stop and stare at each other for a beat. Suddenly, sounds of the cog door opening are heard. Owen puts the flowers down on Toshiko’s workstation. Ianto moves quickly past him and disappears up the spiral stairs in the back. Owen looks at Jack and removes his jacket as he heads toward the autopsy area. Jack is left holding the book.

TOSHIKO (o.s., giggles) : Stop it!

ADAM (o.s.) : You like it.

Off screen we hear Toshiko’s soft giggles. Jack turns and heads back to his office. Toshiko stops and sees the flowers on her workstation.


Adam steps away. Toshiko smells the flowers and looks for a card. Owen steps up out of the autopsy area and heads toward Toshiko.

TOSHIKO : Owen...

OWEN : About last night... um... it was selfish of me.

Adam sits in the nearby chair and watches Toshiko and Owen. Jack stands in his office and watches Adam.

TOSHIKO : Owen, I think the world of you...

OWEN : I know. I'm really sorry. I don't want to jeopardize our friendship. The most important thing is that you're happy.

TOSHIKO : Thank you.

He takes a couple of steps to leave, then stops and turns back to Toshiko.

OWEN : Tosh... you are... (He turns and indicates Adam) ... you are happy with Adam, aren't you ?

TOSHIKO : Completely.

OWEN (nods) : Okay.

Owen leaves. Adam watches him go and smirks. He looks up and sees Ianto up on the far back catwalk. Gwen walks in.

GWEN : Hey.

TOSHIKO : Hey, how are you today ?

GWEN : Um, things are coming back slowly. (Adam gets up and heads toward them). Rhys
thought I shouldn't come into work, but...

ADAM (interrupts) : Hey, we'll look after you. You just have to give yourself time. (Motions). Come on, group hug.

Jack watches them from his office and doesn’t move. Adam, Toshiko, Gwen and Owen share a group hug. Ianto makes his way down the spiral stairs.

ADAM : Battersea, Remember that Greek place up to 3 am ?

GWEN (giggles) : All those plates smashing.

OWEN : (indistinct)

GWEN : You try it after seven (indistinct)

Ianto rolls his eyes and walks past them.

ADAM : Hey Ianto, come here.

Ianto stops. Adam breaks away from the group and follows Ianto. He takes his jacket off. Ianto turns around and looks at Adam.

ADAM : You all right, mate ?

Adam reaches for Ianto, who pulls out of his reach.

ADAM (sneers) : Listen, I could murder a coffee.

Adam heads for the workstation. Ianto takes a breath and looks away. Adam sits down at the workstation. He turns the monitor on and sits back in his chair. Just behind him, Jack cocks his gun pointed at Adam’s head. Gwen and Owen turn around. Toshiko stops and watches. Everyone is stunned.

JACK : Talk to me, Adam. If that's even your name.

Adam swivels around and laughs.

ADAM : What ?

GWEN (chuckles nervously) : What are you doing, Jack ?

JACK : He's not who you think he is. He's been feeding himself into our memories, by touch.

TOSHIKO : Is this some kind of sick joke ?

JACK : He didn't exist until two days ago.

ADAM : Can somebody tell me what's going on, please ?

OWEN : Jack, we've known him for years. He is part of the team.

JACK : No. He just made you think that.

ADAM : Come on, Jack.

Adam reaches for Jack.

JACK : Ah-ah-ah ! You don't get to me like that.

Adam pulls back.

ADAM : Jack, you know me. You recruited me three years ago.

JACK : All I know is that when I think of my team, I see you there, but I don't feel anything for you. No pride, no warmth... You, the one who I can confide in, the one who unburied the dead.

GWEN : Jack, maybe you've just forgotten him. Like I did with Rhys, yeah ?

JACK : Oh I should have spotted it then. That wasn't stress. That was him. By making us think we know him, he disturbs our real memories.

ADAM : I have no idea what you're talking about.

JACK : I'm taking him to the vaults !

Jack grabs Adam by his shirt front and yanks him out of the chair.

ADAM : Jack, this is ridiculous.

Jack pushes Adam in front of him and they head down the stairs toward the vaults.

JACK : Move !

A gun cocks.


Toshiko has her gun on Jack. Owen and Gwen both take a step toward Toshiko.

GWEN : Tosh !

OWEN : Tosh !

Toshiko swings around and points her gun at them and Ianto.

OWEN : That's not gonna help.

GWEN: It's fine.

JACK (o.s.) : Toshiko ?

Toshiko swings around and points the gun at Jack again.

JACK (quietly) : I'm just going to lock him up.

Ianto is behind Toshiko, slowly inching his way closer to her. Adam looks at Toshiko.

TOSHIKO : Let him go.

JACK : I'm not going to harm him.

TOSHIKO : Why should I believe you ?

OWEN : Tosh, Tosh, we can talk about this.

She looks at Owen, then swings back to Jack.

TOSHIKO : Drop the gun, Jack !

Ianto grabs the gun from Toshiko and wrestles it out of her grip.

GWEN : Shit !

Ianto keeps a firm grip on Toshiko’s wrists as she fights him.

TOSHIKO (screams) : Don’t ! Get off me ! Adam !

JACK (to Adam) : This is what you've done to us. Move !

Toshiko pushes Owen and Ianto away from her.

TOSHIKO (cries) : Get off ! (Screams). Adam !!



Adam is locked up in one of the cells. He slams his hands against the glass and pants loudly. Jack is standing outside. Again, Adam slams his hands up against the glass.

ADAM : Don't kill me. I had to become part of your memories in order to survive. I didn't mean any harm.

JACK : You've changed us.

ADAM : For the better. You didn't remember who you were. I helped you. Look at Owen, all his cynicism gone. He's a different man now. Selfless, happier. And Toshiko, too; she's never been this confident.

JACK : How did you come here ? Why us ?

ADAM : All of you have such unique memories, especially you, Jack. All those extraordinary memories you hold, some hidden, some absent. Your singular mind. That's what drew me here.

Jack puts his hand on the glass just over Adam’s hand.

JACK : Good job. It's what we do best... wipe out aliens.

ADAM : You can't shoot me. (Jack turns and walks away). You made me live. And you always remember what you killed...

Jack stops.

ADAM (sneers) : Don't you, Jack ?

Jack leaves. Adam leans his forehead against the glass.



Jack stands at the head of the conference table in front of the monitor with the CCTV showing Adam in his cell.

JACK : Our memories define us. Adam changed those memories... changed who we are. Now I have to help you all go back, find a memory that defines you. Rediscover who you are. If I'm wrong, he'll still be here when we've done this.

Jack presses the control button and turns the CCTV camera off. He puts on a swirly video pattern.

JACK (softly) : Let me take you back to before we all met...

Jack presses the control button and dims the lights in the room.

JACK (softly) : Feel around for anything that makes you what you are... the hidden and the forgotten. Tell me where you are.

Everyone is quiet, unmoving and staring out in front of them. Voiceover thoughts intercut with actual speaking out loud.

GWEN (v.o.) : The college canteen... Rhys is sitting opposite me, telling stupid jokes.

RHYS (v.o.) : Where do you find a tortoise with no legs ? Where you left it.

Gwen’s mouth twitches in a smile. Jack watches her. In her mind, we hear Rhys laugh. Gwen laughs out loud.

OWEN (v.o.) : It's my birthday. I'm ten.

Jack turns and looks at Owen.

OWEN (v.o.) : Mum spends the whole day screaming, (says out loud) "I love you because you're my son... (v.o.)... but that doesn't mean I have to like you."

TOSHIKO (v.o.) : Maths club. (out loud) Something so reliable about maths... (v.o.). Always the right answer.

Ianto smiles.

IANTO (v.o.) : Meeting Lisa. (out loud) Falling in love... (v.o.)... never felt so alive.

OWEN (v.o.) : I turn 16. She packs my bags. (out loud) That is the nicest thing you've done for me in years, Mother.

GWEN (v.o.) : Kissing him in the supermarket. (out loud) The look on his face.

TOSHIKO (v.o.) : My first flat. (out loud) I don't have a flat-warming. (v.o.) There's no one I want to invite.

IANTO (v.o.) : Losing Lisa. (out loud) Like the world had ended.

Jack is looking at Ianto.

GWEN (v.o.) : The way he looks at me sometimes... as if he's scared of what he feels for me, I... (out loud) ... I love him.

Jack straightens. He’s not looking at her. Gwen turns and looks straight at Jack.

GWEN : But not in the way I love you.

Jack holds out his hand.

JACK : Take this.

Gwen picks up the small white pill and looks at it.

TOSHIKO (v.o.) : Knowing there has to be more to life than this.

Jack gently touches Gwen’s cheek and moves on. Toshiko’s face is wet with tears.

TOSHIKO (v.o.) : Knowing I'm special... (out loud) ... waiting for someone to see it.

Jack puts a hand on her shoulder. She turns and looks up at him.

JACK (hoarsely) : I saw it.

He puts the small white pill on the table in front of her and moves on. Toshiko looks down at the table.

OWEN (v.o.) : You save one life, a hundred lives but it's, it’s never enough. (out loud). Who'll save me ?

Jack holds Owen’s shoulder. Owen looks at him.

JACK : I will.

Jack puts the small white pill on the table. He moves on.

IANTO (v.o.) : Coming here... (out loud) ... gave me meaning again. (Ianto looks at Jack). You.

Jack tenderly kisses Ianto’s forehead. He puts the white pill on the table in front of Ianto. He goes back to the head of the table.

JACK : You each have a short-tern amnesia pill. It'll make you forget Adam. We have to wipe out the last 48 hours from our memories, go back to who we were.

Ianto picks up the pill and swallows it with some water.



Adam is in the cell. He breathes heavily and leans his head against the glass.


Gwen takes the pill with some water.


Adam slams his head and hands against the glass. He blurs and pants heavily.


Toshiko turns and looks at Owen. He looks back at her. Owen takes the pill and removes his geeky glasses, putting them on the table. Toshiko hesitates. She reaches for the control panel and presses the button, putting the camera in the vaults back on the monitor. Adam appears on the screen.

TOSHIKO : I'm going to lose so much.

JACK : None of it was real.

TOSHIKO : He loved me... and I loved him. It's no different from real memory.

He touches her face.

JACK : He forced it on you. You have to let it go.

She turns and looks at the monitor. Jack puts the pill in her hand and she sits down. She takes the pill and looks at the monitor.

TOSHIKO : Goodbye, Adam.

Toshiko puts her head on the table and closes her eyes. Gwen starts to fall asleep and Jack reaches for her, gently putting her head down on the table. Everyone is sleeping at the table. Jack walks out of the room.



Adam is in his cell, sitting on the concrete seat. Jack walks up to the glass. Adam lifts his head and looks at him.

JACK : Just me left.

ADAM : Jack, I know what it's like not to exist. Please don't send me back there.

JACK : I have to.

ADAM : What are you gonna do ?

Jack shows him the small white pill.

JACK : This will wipe out the past two days.

ADAM : Well, you'll still keep the bad memories. Because they were always yours. But what about the good times, Jack ? What about the last good memory of you and your dad ?

JACK : It's lost.

ADAM : I can help you find it. I can take you back there. Before I die.

JACK : Why would you do that ?

ADAM : I was in the void for so long, the colors of this world almost blinded me, Jack. It was so beautiful after the darkness and the stench of fear. You gave me that. Let me do this for you. Come on. You want this.

He does. Jack hesitates as he considers it. He closes his eyes and remembers.

JACK : It's early evening...


Young Jack and his father are playing baseball. The sounds of the ocean off screen. Young Jack tosses the ball, Franklin hits it and starts running for the bases. They’re laughing and having a grand time together.

JACK (v.o.) : Just me and Dad.

Young Jack gets the ball and dives for the base.

FRANKLIN : Oh, no, you don't ! No, you don’t !

Young Jack reaches the base first with Franklin chasing after him.

YOUNG JACK : You're out !

They laugh.

FRANKLIN (sighs loudly) : Ah, ah, ah... You know, one day, you’re not going to want to play with your old dad any more.



ADAM : Are you there ?

JACK : Yeah.


Gray runs up to them.

JACK (v.o.) : Me, Dad and...

GRAY : Dad ! Mom said I could play too.

JACK (v.o.) : ... Gray.

YOUNG JACK : Hey, Gray !

Young Jack runs up to him, hugs him and swings him around and around.

FRANKLIN : Hey, Gray. All right, son. One more.

Franklin tosses the ball to Young Jack, who catches it.


Young Jack tosses it to Franklin. Franklin hits it and it goes flying past Young Jack. Jack is standing in the back watching the memory play out.

YOUNG JACK : Whoa, I'll get it.

Young Jack turns and runs after the ball.


JACK (laughs) : I'm running for the ball !


Young Jack reaches the edge of the hill where it dips downward. Someone is there holding the ball.


This part of the memory isn’t familiar with Jack and his smile fades.


Young Jack runs down the side of the hill toward the boy, tossing the ball up and catching it with one hand.

JACK (v.o.) : Some other boy is there. I don't know who.

YOUNG ADAM : Can I play ?

YOUNG JACK : Who are you ?

YOUNG ADAM : My name's Adam.


Jack shakes his head. This isn’t right. Adam watches Jack, manipulating himself into Jack’s memory.

ADAM : Let me play. Before it gets dark.


YOUNG ADAM : There's lots of room.

Young Jack pushes Young Adam down. Behind them, Franklin and Gray appear at the top of the hill. Franklin saw that.

FRANKLIN : Hey ! What are you doing ?

Franklin runs down the hill toward them.

FRANKLIN : Are you all right ?

Young Adam stands up.

YOUNG ADAM : I just want to play.

FRANKLIN : He can play.

YOUNG JACK : No ! No, no, he doesn't belong here. I don't want him playing with us.

YOUNG ADAM (offers his hand) : I'm Adam.

YOUNG JACK : Don't touch my dad.

Young Jack pushes Young Adam down again.

FRANKLIN (to Jack) : Hey, easy ! Are you all right, Adam ?

Franklin offers his hand and helps Adam back up to his feet. This time, it’s adult Adam and he’s inside Jack’s memory.

ADAM : Yes, he just doesn't want to share.

FRANKLIN : Right. (To Young Jack) : Well, if you're going to behave that way, we're going home.

Franklin turns to leave.

YOUNG JACK : No. What ?!

FRANKLIN : Come on, Gray.

Franklin and Gray walk away from Adult Jack, who is in his own memory.

JACK : No ! We don't leave yet. We play some more, it gets dark, we light a fire... Mum joins us.

Franklin looks back at Jack deliberately.

FRANKLIN (to Gray) : Come on, son. I'll race you.

GRAY : Race you !

They leave Young Jack with Adult Adam.


Young Jack turns to Adult Adam.

YOUNG JACK : You did this. You spoiled it.


ADAM : I made it happen.

YOUNG JACK (v.o.) : Dad !


Young Jack runs up the hill after them.

YOUNG JACK : Dad, I love you.

Adult Jack runs down the hill. Thunder rumbles in the distance. Dark clouds fill the sky.

JACK : Dad ! Gray ! Dad !!


JACK (crying) : I want the real memory back.

ADAM : Then let me live. That box you found contains my last good memory of you, your dad and Gray. You see, I'm a part of it now and I'll always live as long as you remember it.

JACK : That's why you took me back ?

ADAM : Wasn't it lovely ? Playing in the sand, no-one knowing what was ahead... your dad laughing. Gray, safe and happy.

Jack stares back flatly at Adam. He reaches down and takes out the small white pill.

ADAM : I don't want to die ! You take that pill and you will lose everything I've given you. Wipe me out now and you will lose all your memories of your father. He will cease to have existed for you.

JACK : Goodbye, Adam.

Jack takes the pill and bites down on it. Adam doubles over and grunts in pain. Jack staggers to the side, his hand on the wall.


Adult Jack is walking along the beach against the harsh wind blowing. His memory is fading.

JACK : Dad ! Gray !


Adam clutches his stomach in pain. Jack waits.


JACK (shouts) : Come back ! (Echoes). It wasn't like this !


Adam looks at his hand. It blurs. Adam blurs. He flickers in and out of existence. Jack turns and leans against the wall. Adam fades out. Jack slides down the wall and sits on the floor.


Jack stands on the beach against the harsh wind.


Jack coughs and slowly falls asleep.


Jack is left alone on the beach in a haze of wind that obscures him from vision. The memory of that day fades quickly.

JACK (shouts) : Dad ! Gray !


Jack sits on the floor outside the empty cell. With one last sob, he puts his head down and sleeps.



Overhead view of the bay area. Bright sunny day over calm waters.


Jack is slumped on the floor, sleeping. He wakes up and looks around. He takes a deep breath.


Owen is at his workstation. They’re in yesterday’s clothes. Toshiko is at her workstation in the back. Jack walks in.

GWEN : Jack ? How have we lost two days ?

JACK : What d'you mean ?

IANTO : The last 48 hours. None of us can remember a thing.

TOSHIKO : The system's blank, the CCTV's been wiped. What's been going on ? What've we been doing ?

JACK (thinks about it) : I don't know.

OWEN : Great. That's two days of my life that I'll never get back !

Jack motions to the flowers at Toshiko’s workstation.

JACK : Looks like Toshiko got herself a secret admirer, though.

OWEN (puts on jacket) : Oh, yeah ?

TOSHIKO (reads) : To Tosh, love and apologies, Owen. (Smiles). They're from you !

OWEN (snorts) : In your dreams, Tosh. I think someone's winding you up, darling... No, I don't do flowers... (Owen takes the card from Toshiko and reads it himself). And I definitely don't do apologies.

Her face falls. He gives her the card back and gives her a small smile. He turns to leave.



Jack takes out the box artefact from a plastic bag. It was on his desk. Something small falls out. He looks at it. It’s a small piece of the box. He picks it up and looks at it. Ianto walks in.

IANTO : Did you, uh, call ?

Jack holds up the book.

JACK : Found your diary.

IANTO (holds out his hand) : Yep, been looking for that.

He takes the diary from Jack and turns to leave, his back to Jack.

JACK : And for the record... measuring tapes never lie.

IANTO (mouths silently) : Oh, fuck.

Ianto leaves the room quickly.

JACK (shouts) : Hey !

Jack holds up the Torchwood plastic artefact bag. On it is written, "ADAM’S PROPERTY". Ianto pops back into the office.

IANTO : Yep ?

JACK : Who's Adam ?

IANTO : Don't know.

Ianto pops back out. Jack looks at the plastic bag, then puts it down. He looks at the small piece which could possibly be a key of sorts. He looks at the box, turning it around. He finds the pattern at the top of the box and fits the key piece into it. It snaps into place. Nothing happens. Jack puts the box down on the desk and starts for the door. The box opens. Jack stops, turns around and looks at the box. He heads back to his desk, picks up the box and looks inside. He pours out fine sand into the palm of his hand. That’s all. He puts the box down on the desk and looks at the sand as it slips out between his fingers. He stops and thinks about it. He drops the last of the sand onto the desk and we...



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CastleBeck, 25.04.2024 à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Sonmi451, Hier à 12:03

Merci par avance à tout ceux qui voteront dans préférence, j'aimerais changer le design de Gilmore Girls mais ça dépend que de vous.

choup37, Hier à 12:56

Effectivement, beaucoup de designs vous attendent dans préférences, on a besoin de vos votes

sabby, Hier à 16:31

C'est voté pour moi Et en parlant de design, le SWAT a refait sa déco. N'hésitez pas à venir voir

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