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#304 : Les Enfants de la Terre : Quatrième Jour

Children of Earth    Les choses se précipitent. Avec une alliée dans leur camp, Torchwood est prête à intervenir. Jack a tout raconté à l'équipe concernant les événements de 1965. Le but des 456 est enfin révélé et un long débat commence face à l'horreur de la situation.

    Alors que Torchwood, Jack en tête, prend enfin les choses en main, le piège se referme sur eux, entraînant une terrible perte ...


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Titre VO
Children of Earth, "Day Four"

Titre VF
Les Enfants de la Terre : Quatrième Jour

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Bande Annonce (vo) BBC - Episode 304 - Torchwood

Bande Annonce (vo) BBC - Episode 304 - Torchwood


Torchwood - Episode 304 - extrait vo - Mort de Ianto

Torchwood - Episode 304 - extrait vo - Mort de Ianto



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France (redif)
Vendredi 10.03.2023 à 14:35

Plus de détails

Scénario : John Fay

Réalisation : Euros Lyn

Crédits : Kay Owen (Rhys Williams), Peter Capaldi (John Frobisher), Paul Copley (Clement McDonald), Nicholas Farrell (Brian Green), Susan Brown (Bridget Spears), Lucy Cohu (Alice Carter), Ian Gelder (M. Dekker), Cush Jumbo (Loïs Habiba), Liz May Brice (Agent Johnson), Charles Abomeli (Colonel Oduya), Colin McFarlane (Général Pierce), Deborah Finlay (Denise Riley), Nicholas Briggs (Rick Yates),  Patric Naiambana (Ministre de la Défense), Katy Wix (Rhiannon Davies), Rhodri Lewis (Johnny Davies), Hillary MacLean (Anna Frobisher), Luke Perry (David Davies), Aimee Davies (Mica Davies), Bear McCausland (Steven Carter), Julia Joyce (Holly Frobisher), Madeleine Rakic-Platt (Lilly Frobisher), Gregory Ferguson (Clement jeune), Sophie Hunter (Venessa), Ben Loyd-Holmes (Agent), Simon Poland (Voix originale des 456), Louise Minchin (Présentatrice JT), Anthony Debaeck (Présentateur JT), Lachele Carl (Trinity Wells).

1965, Ecosse. Une voiture conduite par Jack rejoint un camion militaire, la nuit, en pleine campagne. Des hommes et une femme attendent. La femme explique à Jack que c'est le point de rendez-vous avec les 456 mais qu'ils ne savent rien d'eux. Elle lui explique que, selon eux, un virus qui est sur Terre va muter et entraîner la mort d'un grand nombre de personnes. Les 456 ont un vaccin qu'ils peuvent leur échanger contre douze enfants. Jack conduit donc les enfants, confiants, jusqu'à la lumière. Les petits y vont, sauf le jeune Clément qui a peur. Jack le persuade d'y aller et le petit avance mais la lumière devient de plus en plus éblouissante, comme un flash et Clément s'enfuit. Les autres enfants ont disparu. Le vaccin est livré.

Retour dans le présent : Clément, effrayé, tire sur Jack. Il s'affole. Gwen parvient à le calmer. Jack revient à la vie, ce qui effraye encore plus Clément, qui ne sait plus où il en est. Ianto ne comprend pas l'attitude de Jack, pas plus que Gwen.

L'agent Johnson conduit Alice et Steven en cellule. La jeune femme la prévient de faire attention à Jack car il est dangereux. Au MI5, les négociations reprennent. Frobisher demande au 456 ce qu'ils veulent faire des enfants. L'alien dit que quelqu'un les regarde. Clément pense que c'est de lui qu'il parle mais c'est de la caméra. Le 456 demande que l'homme entre dans la pièce spéciale avec la caméra. Celui-ci est préparé, avec des appareils de contrôle : fréquence cardiaque, etc... On distingue des pinces énormes puis trois pouls distincts. Monsieur Dekker dit qu'il y a trois formes de vie différentes à l'intérieur. On distingue alors un enfant relié à des appareils. On dirait qu'il est sans vie, chauve, un masque pour respirer (?) sur la bouche. Il n'est que l'ombre de lui-même. Torchwood est horrifié. Les responsables aussi et ils se demandent d'où vient l'enfant. Jack se sent mal.

Le 456 fait entendre la voix de Frobisher quand il lui a demandé, plus tôt, de ne rien dévoiler de leur rencontre passée. L'alien dit qu'ils ne font pas de mal aux enfants et qu'il ne reste que vingt-quatre heures pour leur livrer les enfants, sinon ils extermineront les humains. Le Général Pierce demande des explications à Green, le Premier Ministre. Celui-ci essaye de se couvrir mais le Général ne veut rien entendre. Il dit que les Nations Unies décideront de son sort.

Ianto discute avec Jack, essayant de le comprendre. Jack s'esquive et Ianto le prend mal. Jack s'énerve et, dans la foulée, lui dit qu'il a une fille et un petit-fils qui sont retenus par Frobisher, et il part, laissant Ianto seul. Jack appelle Frobisher. Il veut qu'il libère Alice et Steven et lui dit qu'il doit parler au 456.

Un Conseil extraordinaire commence pour discuter du sort des enfants. Le Premier Ministre dit qu'il faut négocier un nombre envisageable d'enfants. Plusieurs autres solutions sont envisagées, sans succès. Le Premier Ministre dit à Frobisher de retourner à Thames House pour faire une proposition au 456. Celui-ci s'y rend, en compagnie de Monsieur Dekker. L'alien refuse l'offre et maintient sa première demande. Il dit un chiffre qui correspond à 10% du nombre des enfants du pays, chiffre repris en choeur par tous les enfants. Dans les autres pays, les enfants disent un nombre qui correspond chaque fois à 10%.

Le Conseil reprend pour savoir comment sélectionner les enfants. Les discussions, vives, reprennent. Ils finissent par tomber d'accord : ils choisiront les plus mauvais élèves, ceux qui ont un avenir "incertain". Les enfants des membres du Gouvernement seront épargnés. Frobisher reçoit l'ordre de les faire réunir.

Jack pense qu'il est temps de forcer l'entrée de Thames House. Il part avec Ianto, prêt à affronter l'ennemi. Les journalistes et les  autres Gouvernements se demandent pourquoi le Royaume-Uni reste silencieux. Ianto appelle sa soeur pour lui dire la vérité et lui dit de bien surveiller les enfants. L'armée localise son appel et aussi l'entrepôt. Frobisher pense qu'il faut se couvrir en disant que les enfants vont être vaccinés pour ne plus être en danger et qu'à leur disparition, ils accuseront les 456 de les avoir trompés.

Au Conseil, Loïs se lance et avoue que Torchwood est dans l'action, qu'ils ont tout enregistré et que tout sera dévoilé, sauf si Jack peut parler avec le 456. Pendant ce temps, l'agent Johnson et les militaires envahissent l'entrepôt où il ne reste que Gwen et Clément.  Gwen explique la vérité à l'agent Johnson et lui annonce que Rhys est caché quelque part, avec toutes les informations qu'il est prêt à envoyer au monde entier.

Jack est enfin face au 456. Il lui annonce qu'ils vont se battre. L'alien lui répond qu'ils vont riposter, que des mesures ont déjà été prises. Une alarme se déclenche et l'alien dit qu'un virus a été envoyé dans tout le bâtiment et qu'il va tuer tous les gens présents en guise d'avertissement. C'est l'affolement général. Tout le monde essaye de sortir mais tout est bloqué. Seul Dekker se protège en enfilant une combinaison. Dans un passage émouvant, Ianto meurt lentement, échangeant ses sentiments avec Jack; par le biais des ondes radio, le 456 tue aussi Clément. Face à ce carnage, le Premier Ministre annonce que le plan doit être lancé.

Plus tard, Gwen se rend à l'endroit où les corps sont alignés. Elle va vers ceux de Jack et Ianto au milieu de dizaines d'autres. Jack se réveille, anéanti...






CHILDREN : We are coming. We are coming.


Shot of Lois through the spy contacts.

LOIS : Where’s the camera ?

Close-up on Gwen.

GWEN : In my eyes. When you wear these, they’ll transmit a picture back to us and we’ll see what’s going on. More than that, we’ve got lip-reading software.

LOIS : If anybody finds out what I’m doing, it’s treason.


STEVEN : Grandma always said there’d be trouble.

Alice pulls out a massive butcher knife from a knife block.


Johnson is on the phone, speaker to Frobisher.

JOHNSON : Do you know he’s got a daughter ?


JOHNSON : And now, Alice Carter’s got a child of her own. His grandson.

FROBISHER : Bring her in.


Soldiers rush towards Alice and Steven, she knocks one of them out with a cutting board.


Clem stands frozen, pointing at the column of fire descending from the sky.


Frobisher and Mr. Dekker shield their eyes as the fiery column descends through the ceiling and into the glass tank.


A group of children pointing together in one direction, speaking in unison.

CHILDREN : We are here.


FROBISHER : But what do you want ?

456 : We want ten percent of the children of this world.

INT. Warehouse Hub 2

CLEM : They want to take them, like they did before, like the man did.


The orphans walk into the light, Jack visible behind them in his greatcoat.

INT. Warehouse Hub 2

Gwen looks horrified, Clem looks frightened and disgusted.

GWEN : You were there ?

JACK : 1965... I gave them twelve children.


Clem, left alone, turns around and disappears in the glaring lights.




A dark night, a car comes up a lonely road to meet a military convoy. A woman wearing a scarf around her head (Venessa) stands away from the other groups of soldiers. Jack stops the truck, climbs out, and walks over to meet her.

VENESSA : This is the location they specified. A set of instructions coming through on the wavelength combination designated “456.”

JACK : Did the give a name ?

VENESSA : All we’ve got is that number, 456.


VENESSA : According to our alien friends, in four months’ time, the virus will mutate. It’s a brand-new strain of Indonesian Flu. They claim it could kill up to 25 million people. All our research seems to back up their figures. In 1918, the Spanish Flu outbreak killed something like 5 percent of the human race.

JACK : I know, I was there.

VENESSA : Well, this time we’re being offered a cure.

It starts to rain outside.

VENESSA : They’ll send the anti-virus, in exchange...

JACK : How many children do they want ?

VENESSA : Twelve. It’s like a sacrifice to the ancient gods. Twelve virgins.

JACK : Just twelve... it sounds like a good deal. What do they want them for ?

VENESSA : They say they’ll live forever.

Jack laughs harshly.

JACK : Sure. Why do you need me ?

VENESSA : Assuming twelve children can be found, we need someone to deliver them.

JACK : What, in case the aliens are hostile, you need someone who can’t die ?

VENESSA : Actually, we need someone who doesn’t care.

INT. Warehouse Hub 2, present day

JACK : 1965, I gave them twelve children.

Gwen looks horrified, wide-eyed. Clem cowers.

GWEN : You just... handed them over and hoped for the best ?

Quick cut to Clem, who flashes back to :


Jack, with 1960s slicked-back hair, is smiling charmingly.

JACK : You just come with uncle Jack.

INT. Warehouse Hub 2, present day

Close-up on Clem, who is seeing the subject of all of his nightmares in the flesh.


The bus of children is winding its way through hills during the night.

JACK : We’re... we’re going to go on an adventure, yeah ?

We see young Clem, looking out a rain-spattered window.


Shots of young Scottish children, chattering excitedly. Clem does not talk to anyone. The bus stops in the middle of nowhere, a bunch of tiny pinpricks of light in the pitch-black hills. Shot of Jack, who is driving the bus.

JACK : Everyone off.

INT. Warehouse Hub 2, present day

A shot of Clem’s face. He looks horrified, remembering the laughter of his doomed friends.


The children file off the bus. Soldiers gesture at them to stand in front of it. A few of them exchange uncertain, frightened looks. Jack stands in front of them, still smiling reassuringly.

JACK : Here we go. All right, children, you follow me. Adventure.

A shot of a few of the children, looking up at Jack admiringly. They follow him away from the bus obediently. A huge light appears in the sky. The children’s faces go blank and they stop walking.

JACK : Okay, children, walk into the light. Do as I say.

Looking hypnotized, the children process forward into the light. Clem stays behind, and Jack puts his arm around Clem’s shoulder. He looks up at Jack questioningly.

YOUNG CLEM : What’s it do ? What is it ?

JACK : Just go.

YOUNG CLEM : It’s safe though, isn’t it ?

INT. Warehouse Hub 2, present day

Close-up on Clem.

CLEM : Isn’t it ? Isn’t it ?


Jack runs his hand comfortingly through Clem’s hair.

JACK : Yeah. It’s safe.

He pushes Clem towards the light. Clem turns back after a few steps.

JACK : Keep going. You don’t want to be left out, do you ?

Clem continues into the light, disappearing. Jack finally drops the unconvincingly charming façade, looking stricken. The children march in a group towards the light, Clem behind them. The light flares. Jack and the soldiers in the background all flinch. Cut to Clem running through a field alone, having escaped his friends’ fate. He stumbles and falls. Jack standing in front of the bus, the lights now off, turns around.

JACK : Everyone okay ?

SOLDIER : Yes, sir !

Jack stares at the road, now empty and dark, before turning and walking away. He meets up with Venessa again. She is listening to a radio.

VENESSA : The information’s coming through now on the 456. It’s the anti-virus, just as they promised.

JACK : Good night’s work.

VENESSA : Maybe the gods were kind. maybe they are in paradise.

JACK : No such thing.

Cut to Clem, still running through the dark field, terrified.

INT. Warehouse Hub 2, present day

CLEM : You are in every nightmare I’ve ever had.

JACK : I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I...

Clem surges forward, grabbing Gwen’s gun. He shoots Jack in the chest, and then looks horrified by what he’s done. Ianto rushes towards Jack, pulling his body into his arms, while Gwen tries to calm Clem down.

GWEN : Okay, so...

Clem brandishes the gun at her.

CLEM : Stay away !

GWEN : Give me the gun, Clem. Come on.

CLEM : You’re on his side.

GWEN : Give it to me.

CLEM : And he’s on their side. You’re all involved !!

RHYS : Gwen, get away from him, he’s dangerous !

CLEM : I’m not dangerous !

GWEN : We know ! We know you’re not. We know that.

CLEM : But that’s a lie. Isn’t it ? Isn’t it ? We both know. I... killed a man. I am dangerous.

GWEN : Can I take that ?

Clem surrenders the gun to her, and she passes it off to Rhys before hugging Clem. Clem stares at Jack’s body.

CLEM : But it wasn’t my fault... there is something up there. They want children. That man held my hand and took me to them.

Jack gasps back to life, gripping Ianto tightly.

GWEN : This is normal, this is what he does. Ianto knew it was going to be okay.

CLEM : No !

Clem flees the scene, running to a different part of the warehouse. Gwen chases after him.

GWEN : Clem ! Clem, it’s all right !


CLEM : Oh, it’s too much. Too much, isn’t it ?

GWEN : You get to shoot first, and ask questions later. How good is that ?

CLEM : This is too much. Isn’t it. isn’t it ?

Gwen holds her hand out to Clem. He takes it, and she leads him away from the shelf he’d been standing behind.

GWEN : Watch your head.

INT. Warehouse Hub 2, MAIN AREA

Jack sits down next to Ianto.

IANTO : I can’t believe you didn’t mention this before.

JACK : They didn’t speak through kids back then. I didn’t recognize the signs at first.

IANTO : That’s not what I meant.

Rhys comes into the area.

RHYS : They’re coming back.

Clem and Gwen enter, Gwen with an arm around Clem.

CLEM : The man who sent me and my friends to die can’t die himself !


Agent Johnson strides in, followed by Alice and Steven, followed by two armed guards.

STEVEN : This is to do with uncle Jack, isn’t it ?

ALICE : It’s a mistake. We’ll get us out soon.

STEVEN : Will he get us out ?

ALICE : Yeah.

Steven is lead into a cell. Alice and Johnson hover just outside.

JOHNSON : He doesn’t think Harkness is his grandfather ?


JOHNSON : I suppose it would take some explaining, when mum looks older than granddad.

ALICE : I can only assume you’re holding me here as insurance against my father. But let me warn you, if you’ve angered him, God help you.

JOHNSON : This from the woman who spent her life running away from him ?

ALICE : And why do you think I did that ? A man who can’t die has got nothing to fear. So you watch it. And you keep watching.

Alice goes into the cell. Johnson closes and locks the door.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

GWEN : It was a protection, right ? You knew they’d be back.

JACK : I knew it was a possibility.

GWEN : But you still gave them the payoff.

JACK : We had no choice.

CLEM : Why us ?

JACK : You wouldn’t be missed.

Everybody looks uncomfortable.

CLEM : I can see that.

JACK : All of this time, the one consolation I had was that... the deal seemed to work.

Gwen shakes her head in disbelief.

RHYS : It worked for forty-four years. That’s not bad for breathing space.

CLEM : Why was I left behind ? What’s wrong with me ?

GWEN : We know they only want pre-pubescent kids. Maybe it’s got something to do with that. Maybe you were just on the cusp of puberty, not quite adult, not quite child...

RHYS : Saved by your hormones.

Noise starts to come from the laptop, still hooked up to the special contacts Lois is wearing.

GWEN : Is this still recording, Ianto ? I need every second of this.

IANTO : Yeah.


Office personnel and officials file into the room, casting nervous glances at the 456’s tank. Frobisher, Bridget Spears, and Lois are in the lead. A cameraman films the tank. Frobisher steps forward to address the 456. Throughout Frobisher’s talk, we are shown shots of different members of team Torchwood, looking onto the scene from the makeshift Hub.

FROBISHER : Hello again. Before we consider your request, I’ve been asked for a point of clarification. Before we even discuss your... your request, we need to know exactly what it is you intend to do with the children.

456 : Somebody is watching. Some remnant.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

CLEM : It knows I’m here.


The 456 spits goo and bangs against the walls of the tank, making an eerie shrieking noise. Everyone in the room takes a step back from the tank.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

CLEM : It knows !


The 456 has quieted. Lois begins to write in shorthand on her notepad.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Ianto reads what Lois writes.

IANTO : Somebody is watching.

CLEM : I told you it knows, turn it off !

GWEN : It’s talking about the other camera, it doesn’t know about us. Shush.


FROBISHER : The Prime Minister, the leader of this country, of the United Kingdom, is watching through this camera here. And he needs to know what would happen to our children if we were to hand them over to you.


The various government officials are gathered around a table, watching the dialogue between Frobisher and the alien.

456 : It is “off the record.”


Frobisher looks shocked by what the 456 revealed. He approaches the tank.


456 : Come in.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

IANTO : Come in.


FROBISHER : In there ?

456 : With the camera. Come in.


The officials all looked shocked.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

CLEM : It’s hiding something.


One man (Cameraman) is being prepared to be sent into the tank by being put into a red jumpsuit. He is being helped by Mr. Dekker and some doctors.

MR. DEKKER: Right, is that okay ?


MR. DEKKER: Okay, you’ll be able to hear us, and we can hear anything you say. Okay, I need a mouthpiece. There you go. Don’t take it off until the light in the airlock goes green.

CAMERAMAN : Yes, sir.

MR. DEKKER : Camera.

The Cameraman is handed a camera.

MR. DEKKER : I’ll be monitering you throughout.


CAMERAMAN : Thank you, ma’am.

He proceeds into the tank.


The officials continue to watch in silence.


The airlock is closed and flooded with the same thick fog that fills the 456’s tank.


Mr. Dekker monitor’s the cameraman’s heart rate and blood pressure from outside the tank.


MR. DEKKER : Air contact stabilized.

The cameraman proceeds into the main part of the 456’s tank.


It is blue and foggy. Nothing is visible.


The officials continue to watch, the broadcast from inside the tank dissolving into static every now and then.


The cameraman aims the camera at the 456. It is dripping with green snot-like goo. We do not see the alien clearly, and can only make out that it has three vulture-like heads.


MR. DEKKER : I’m getting three heartbeats.

FROBISHER : It’s got three heads.

MR. DEKKER : No, listen, there’s three distinct forms of life in there.

Frobisher moves to speak into the communicator to the cameraman.

FROBISHER : Get closer.


The cameraman is on the verge of panic, breathing heavily and quickly, while aiming the camera at one of the 456’s heads. He finally discovers the child hooked up to the 456, and lowers the camera in horror.


Close up on Frobisher, who looks alarmed.


Shot of Prime Minister, Brian Green, who looks shocked.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

CLEM : No, no, no, no !

Clem is sobbing. Gwen covers her mouth in horror.


GENERAL PIERCE : Is that a child ? Where did it get him from ?

Prime Minister looks very nervous.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

GWEN : It’s all of the kids from 1965.

Cut to shot of Ianto and Rhys. Ianto starts to sniffle, looking away from the screen, while Rhys closes his eyes. Gwen makes a face of pure disgust.

JACK : He’s still just a child.

Jack walks away, sitting down apart from the rest of the group.

RHYS : Do you think he knows ? Is he conscious ?


Close up of the child, who is bald, grimy, and staring blindly with overly-huge eyes. He has something almost like a gasmask over the lower half of his face, a tube protruding from where his mouth should be.


Lois has tears streaming down her face.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

The picture from the contacts starts to blur.

CLEM : Wh-what’s happening ?

GWEN : It’s Lois. She’s crying.


FROBISHER : What have you done to him ?!


The 456 spits snot at the walls and bangs against them. The cameraman gets covered in snot and starts trying to escape.


Frobisher runs towards the tank.

FROBISHER : Get him out of there ! Get him out of there !

The 456 begins to repeat the bargain Frobisher struck with it earlier in the series. It comes out in Frobisher’s voice, but garbled, as if it’s playing on a scratched CD.

456 : You will ensure the diplomatic relations between Earth and the 456. That previous encounter will be kept off the record.


GENERAL PIERCE : That’s John Frobisher’s voice. What’s off the record ?


The cameraman has escaped the tank and is pulling off the snot-covered jumpsuit. Frobisher stares at the tank. The cameraman continues to pull off his clothes in panic.

FROBISHER : This is unacceptable.

456 : We do not harm the children. They feel no pain.

Lois records this on her notepad.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Ianto reads Lois’s notes again.

IANTO : We do not harm the children. They feel no pain. They live long beyond their years.

Gwen seems numb.

GWEN : Well, that’s okay then.

JACK : But we still don’t know. What does it do with them ? What does it want them for ?

RHYS : Bit late to ask now.

IANTO : We have answered your question. You have one day to select and deliver the ten percent.


FROBISHER : And if we refuse ?

456 : We will wipe out your entire species.


Everyone blinks in disbelief, taking a few deeps breaths in an attempt to settle themselves. The American General looks at Prime Minister accusingly, speaking coldly and furiously.

GENERAL PIERCE : Am I to understand that this country has had dealings with these creatures before ?

PRIME MINISTER : Apparently so. I would point out that I was only a child myself in 1965.

GENERAL PIERCE : Nonetheless, you made the decision only this week, sir, to keep those previous negotiations secret ?!

PRIME MINISTER : It could be said that perhaps it was... convenient for the moment... until further consideration.

The general looks at him in utter disbelief, and then stands up from the table.

GENERAL PIERCE : You’ll give us all files on 1965 immediately. And the United Nations will decide what measures to take against you, Mr. Green.

The American general exits the room.


Jack is standing alone, looking pensive. Ianto approaches, looking serious, but he addresses Jack sympathetically. Jack doesn’t look at him or show any emotion throughout much of this scene.

IANTO : This must have been eating away at you.

Jack is silent.

IANTO : Why didn’t you tell me ? I could’ve helped.

Jack shakes his head.

JACK : No, you couldn’t.

IANTO : I tell you everything.

Jack finally looks at him.

JACK : Ianto, tell me, what should I have done ?

IANTO : Stood up to them.

Jack looks away again.

IANTO : The Jack I know would’ve stood up to them. I’ve only just scraped the surface, haven’t I ?

JACK : Ianto, that’s all there is.

IANTO : No. You pretend that’s all there is.

JACK : I have lived a long time... I have done a lot of things.

Ianto regards him sadly, rolling his eyes a little bit when Jack starts to charge off again.

JACK : I’ve got to go, I won’t be long.

Ianto turns around towards Jack.

IANTO : You’re doing it again. Speak to me, Jack. Where are you going ?

Jack turns around to face him again, getting angry.

JACK : To call Frobisher. I can’t call him from here, cause they’d be able to trace it. Is that okay ?

IANTO : You’re the boss.

JACK : And just so you know, I have a daughter called Alice and a grandson called Steven, and Frobisher took them hostage yesterday.

Jack turns and exits, leaving Ianto alone by the windows.

EXT. Warehouse HUB 2

Jack walks toward a car alone, pulling on his coat and putting his hands in his pockets.


Bridget Spears, Lois, and Frobisher sit on a bench, looking exhausted.

FROBISHER : You two should get a couple hours of sleep while you can.

BRIDGET SPEARS : So should you.

Frobisher’s mobile rings.

FROBISHER : It’s Harkness. (He mutters something indecipherable to Bridget about tracking a location of the call). Strong coffee, loads of.

Lois leaves to get Frobisher coffee. During Jack and Frobisher’s phone call, there are quick cuts between Jack’s face in front of a brick wall in an unknown location, and the Thames House hallway where Frobisher and Bridget are. We eventually see shots of the baldheaded secret agent who’s been tracking Jack for Agent Johnson, too.



JACK : Have you thought about what I said ?


FROBISHER : Bit busy, to be honest.

JACK : Let me put this right. Release my family and we can work together.

FROBISHER : Give yourself up and they won’t be harmed.


The agents are listening in on Jack and Frobisher’s telephone conversation.

JACK : I wish I could believe that.

FROBISHER : You can.

JACK : You’ve spoken to the 456, haven’t you ? They want more children.


FROBISHER : What makes you think that ?

JACK : It doesn’t take a genius.

Bridget is on the phone with Johnson’s special ops gang.

BRIDGET SPEARS : They’re on to it now.


JACK : With them going so public this time, I think they want a lot more. Millions, even. If I have to stop you, then I’ll tell the world what’s really going on. There’s too much at stake not to.

Jack hangs up.


Frobisher hangs up, looking worried.


Our baldheaded agent seems to have tracked down Jack, using the computer system to pinpoint a location, until it grinds to a halt, flashing the message "Trace failed".

BALD AGENT : Lost him. I’ll try the satellite data. It’s going to take some time.


Bridget Spears hangs up the phone.

BRIDGET SPEARS : They’ll let us know when they get a location.

Frobisher rubs his eyes, exhausted.

FROBISHER : He’ll be gone by then.

BRIDGET SPEARS : Why don’t you get your head down on the couch for an hour ?

Lois hurries in.

LOIS : Sorry, but the Prime Minister wants to see you.

Frobisher looks to Bridget Spears, looking even wearier. She rolls her eyes.


The politicians file back in. Shot of Lois following closely on Bridget’s heels, Bridget instructing her.

BRIDGET SPEARS : ...make sure it’ll run smoothly. Most important thing is to blend into the background, nobody should know you’re there.

Shot of the back of Frobisher’s head going into the board room, framed by the blue gridding of the special contact lenses.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Gwen reads from the laptop screen, Clem seated beside her.

GWEN : Cabinet office briefing, room A : Cobra. Where all the emergency planning takes place.

IANTO : Gold Command meeting’s about to start !

The rest of the team converges around Gwen and Clem.

CLEM : They’ll sell us out, just like they did last time.

GWEN : I’m sorry to hear about your family, by the way. We’ll get them out.

JACK : I know we will.

On-screen, the politicians begin to talk.

PRIME MINISTER : Ladies and gentlemen, it’s been decided that we’re going to make the 456 an offer.


PRIME MINISTER : A realistic number, something we can manage, and then we see what happens.

DENISE RILEY : You mean we’re going to haggle ? What about the military option ?

DEFENCE SECRETARY : There’s nothing to take action against. Evidently, the 456 must have some sort of base of operations in orbit, but our satellites are showing nothing. Whatever’s up there is beyond or technology.

DENISE RILEY : There’s a target sat in Thames House.

DEFENCE SECRETARY : Taking that out would be a declaration of war.

RICK YATES : A war we can’t win.

PRIME MINISTER : That’s why I’ve invited John to address Gold. In terms of managing the figures, what could we offer and get away with ?

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

The Prime Minister’s voice echoes around. Jack closes his eyes, guilty. His voice continues, distorted through the speakers, while Clem twitches.

CLEM : Isn’t it, isn’t it ? It’s happening again.

GWEN : Oh my God, they’re really going to do this.


DENISE RILEY : Look, this won’t just be Britain, will it ?

PRIME MINSISTER : The idea is that every country makes a camoflaugible contribution.

FROBISHER : Can you pass me the FAS file, please ?

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

RHYS : That’s it, now you’re talking.


FROBISHER : Right, well, for a sstart, there are 21 children in Oakenton right now... 21 units, unaccompanied asylum-seekers awaiting deportation.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

GWEN : FAS... failed asylum seekers. Orphans in '65, asylum seekers today. There’s progress for you.


RICK YATES : And no one would miss them.

A pause, Prime Minister and Denise Riley exchange looks.

RICK YATES : We need more. Can you bump the numbers up to sixty ?

FROBSIHER : I... I think so. We can have them in from Oakenton first thing tomorrow.

PRIME MINISTER : Thank you, John. Now go back to Thames House and consult with the 456. Make them an offer of sixty units, and no more.


Frobisher sits in the backseat as he cruises to Thames House, looking contemplative and stressed. We see a shot of the car pulling up to the building.


The phone rings. Mrs. Frobisher hurries to pick it up.


FROBISHER : It’s me.

ANNA FROBISHER: Well, h-how did it go ?


Frobisher hurries up a flight of stairs while trying to reassure his wife.

FROBISHER : All you need to know is there’s nothing to worry about. I’m sorry, I can’t explain, but trust me, don’t worry.


ANNA FROBISHER : Well, have you slept yet ?


Frobisher scoffs tiredly.

ANNA FROBISHER : Well, are you on your way home ?

FROBISHER : No time for that sweetheart, I’m afraid it’s a matter of utmost national security.


A shot of Anna Frobisher, looking upset.

ANNA FROBISHER : Are you safe ?


FROBISHER : Of course I’m safe. You know where I am, just pushing papers about. I just need to make sure all of the documentation’s in place.


Anna Frobisher grows more and more worried as Frobisher speaks.


Frobisher enters the elevator alone, pushing a button.

FROBISHER : Did the bodyguards show up ?


Anna Frobisher has progressed to numb with horror.

ANNA FROBISHER : Yeah, they’re outside.

FROBISHER : Good, good... good.


FROBISHER : I just wanted to say I love you, and I love the girls.


Anna Frobisher listens to her husband, tears running down her face, but speaks steadily.

ANNA FROBISHER : When will you be home ?


FROBISHER : Soon. Look, I’ve got to go.


Anna Frobisher looks terrified.

FROBISHER : I love you.

She closes her eyes.


The elevator dings, Frobisher has arrived on floor thirteen. He hangs up the phone.


Anna Frobisher has her eyes closed, and speaks after he’s already gone.

ANNA FROBISHER : I love you, too.

She dissolves into tears.


Mr. Dekker and Frobisher enter, standing in front of the 456’s tank.


We see the entire Gold Command regarding the happenings on Floor Thirteen from afar.


FROBISHER : I’m sorry, but we’ve discussed your demands. We’ve arrived at a solution that might satisfy both parties. I’ve been authorized to offer you one child for every million people on planet earth. That’s about 6,700 in total; 62 from the UK alone.

456 : That is not acceptable.

FROBISHER : 6,700. 6, 7, 0, 0. That’s our final offer, it’s more than generous. I’ll give you some time to think about it.


We see the live feed of Frobisher stalking away from the 456’s tank.


456 : 3, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0. 3, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0.


RHIANNON (voiceover) : You are turning this house into a bloody playschool.


Rhiannon’s living room is full of children, she bustles around while Johnny reads a magazine.

JOHNNY : Ten quid a kid is more like a charity.

RHIANNON : And who’s doing all the work ? I don’t see you lifting a bloody finger !

The children all begin to chant in unison.

CHILDREN : 3, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0.

RHIANNON : Oh my God, they’re doing it again ! Mica, where’s Mica ? Mica !

CHILDREN : 3, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0.

Close up on David’s face, staring blankly as he chants eerily with the other kids. Rhiannon finds Mica in her bedroom, speaking in unison with the rest.

CHILDREN : 3, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0.

JOHNNY : What is it ?

CHILDREN : 3, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0.

JOHNNY : What are you going on about ?!

CHILDREN : 3, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0.

JOHNNY : Lottery numbers, or what ?


Frobisher’s children are frozen, chanting just like the others. Their mother sobs silently in the foreground.

CHILDREN : 3, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Clem speaks with the children, too.

CLEM : 3, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0.

Gwen types the number that he’s been repeating into her computer.

RHYS : Coordinates ? Grid reference, maybe ?

CLEM : 3, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0.


Different reporters on different television stations report the 456’s shenanigans with the children. All of them have the numbers chanted in their countries beneath them in text boxes.

BRITISH REPORTER : Children in different countries are saying different numbers.

FRENCH REPORTER : Ici en France, le nombre est 4, 4, 8, 0, 0, 0.

AMERICAN REPORTER : The children of America are saying 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0.

BRITISH REPORTER : What is the meaning of 3, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0 ?


RICK YATES : It’s confirmed. 325,000 is ten percent of the children... uh, units in this country. Every country is saying a different number, which in each case amounts to ten percent.

PRIME MINISTER : I think it’s fair to say that our final offer has just been rejected.

Everyone sits in silence for a moment.

PRIME MINISTER : Okay, thanks everyone, let’s take a break.

All of the bureaucrats start to leave the table. Yates stands to leave, addressing the Prime Minister as he gathers his things.

RICK YATES : It’s worth considering, sir. The world’s population will be nine billion by 2050. That’s a two-and-a-half billion rise. The UK will go from 66 million to 71, every one of them needing food, water, a home, transport, fuel, t.v.s and fridges...

PRIME MINISTER : Rick, Rick, Rick... what are you suggesting, a cull of ten percent would do us good ?

RICK YATES : I’m just saying, if we need to spin this to the public, and God knows at the moment that spin is all we can do, then in an age when we’re terrified by the planet’s dwindling resources, a reduction in the population could possibly, just possibly, if presented in the right way, be seen as... good, sir.


AGENT JOHNSON : Anything ?

BALD AGENT : It’s all gone quiet. All our usual sources from the government... the Army, White Hall... have all gone silent. Whatever’s happening in London, no one’s breathing a word.

AGENT JOHNSON : It’s time I found out what’s going on. I’m taking a squad to London. Are the roads still blocked ?

BALD AGENT : Only in the city.

AGENT JOHNSON : Then patch me through a clear route, and keep watching for Harkness. If it’s happening in London, then that’s where he’ll be.

She moves quickly out the door.


PRIME MINISTER : With regrets, ladies and gentlemen, I have to tell you that we’re now facing the worst-case scenario. And right now we don’t have time for a discussion on ethics, I’m afraid hand-wringing will have to wait. All we can do at the moment is address a number of vital and practical questions.

RICK YATES : Namely, how do we select the ten percent ? Who would go ? How would we transport them ? And, how could we sell it to the voters ?


FROBISHER : Well, the selection’s not down to me.

PRIME MINISTER : Nevertheless. Practical solutions, please.

FROBISHER : Once the selection has been made, then my department can arrange to bus all the children to the rendezvous points together, school by school. My staff are compiling various school databases.

As the politicians speak, Lois takes notes in shorthand.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Gwen and Clem on the laptop as Lois takes notes on what’s being said. Ianto reads aloud.

IANTO : You just need to decide what criteria you’d use for selection.


FROBISHER : Which is out of my hands. Over to you, sir.

The Prime Minister contemplates this for a moment, before turning to look at the other people sitting at the table.


Nobody answers, all of them refusing to make eye contact with the Prime Minister or each other.

PRIME MINISTER : Might I remind you, the clock is ticking.

DEFENCE SECRETARY : It would have to be random.

DENISE RILEY : Nobody would believe it was random, not when they’re waiting at school gates for empty buses to return.

DEFENCE SECRETARY : Well, if the system we use is demonstrably fair and reasonably random, at least we can defend ourselves.

DENISE RILEY : You’re willing to risk your kids to make it look fair ?

DEFENCE SECRETARY : Then how else can we choose ?

RICK YATES : We could do it alphabetically.

DENISE RILEY : Oh, yes, thanks Mr. Yates.

RICK YATES : I didn’t mean... I’ve got no kids, I wasn’t trying to...

DENISE RILEY : Yes, no kids, and no consequences.

She turns to the Prime Minister.

DENISE RILEY : And yours are already grown up.

PRIME MINISTER : Let’s keep this civil, Denise.

DENISE RILEY : Oh, yes ! Let’s discuss the loss of millions of innocent children, and let’s be civilized about it.

PRIME MINISTER : If you wouldn’t mind, yes.

DEFENCE SECRETARY : Could we limit it to one loss per family ? Second born child ?

FROBISHER : That would take more time, more organization; time we don’t have.

DEFENCE SECRETARY : So, it would have to be one school at a time ?

DENISE RILEY : Look, I’m going to say what everyone else is thinking. If this lottery takes place, my kids aren’t in it.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

The voice of Prime Minister echoes through the laptop to where Team Torchwood is listening.

PRIME MINSITER : I’m sure the families of Gold Command will be exempted anyway.

CLEM : That bastard. Isn’t it.

DEFENCE SECRETARY : ...our children get protection.

GWEN : Of course they bloody do.


DEFENCE SECRETARY : So, we could have a show of hands. I hate to be crass, but under these circumstances...

DENISE RILEY : Well, who votes ? Those with kids, or those with no interest to declare ?

PRIME MINISTER : No one votes. It’s down to me to make an executive decision.

RICK YATES : Do you need some time ?

PRIME MINISTER : Nope. Whatever happens, the children and grandchildren of everyone around this table will be exempt.

Frobisher closes his eyes in relief.

DENISE RILEY : What about nieces and nephews ?

PRIME MINISTER : Don’t push your luck.

DENISE RILEY : You seriously expect me to look my brother in the eye...

DEFENCE SECRETARY : We need to limit the number of people...

They all begin to talk over each other.

DENISE RILEY : ...to look him in the eye and what, just give him a condolence card ?

PRIME MINISTER : That’s the responsibility of government, Denise.

DENISE RILEY : No, the first responsibility is to protect the best interests of this country, right ? Then let’s say it. In a national emergency, a country must plan for the future, and must discriminate between those who are vital to continued stability and those who are not. And now that we’ve established that our kids are exempt, the whole principle of random selection is dead in the water anyway...

DEFENCE SECRETARY : Only so far as...

DENISE RILEY : Let me finish. Now look, on the one hand, you’ve got the schools, and I don’t just mean those producing graduates. I mean the pupils that will go on to staff our hospitals, our offices, our factories; the workforce of the future. We need them. Accepted, yes ? So, set against that, you’ve got the failing schools; full of the less able, the less socially useful. Those destined to spend a lifetime on benefits, occupying places on the dole queue, and, frankly, the prisons. Now, look, should we treat them equally ? God knows we’ve tried and we’ve failed, and now the time comes to choose. And if we can’t identify the lowest achieving ten percent of this country’s children, then what are the school league tables for ?

There is silence around the table.

PRIME MINISTER : Anyone want to speak against that ?

Frobisher looks disgusted, Yates looks at his lap. The other politicians do not make eye contact with anybody around the table.

PRIME MINISTER : Then there we have it. John, you have your criteria. We’ve selected the ten percent.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

GWEN : We’ve got enough evidence recorded here to destroy every person in that room.

JACK : And we can use it to force our way into Thames House, finally get face-to-face with this thing.

GWEN : And get your family released.

Jack breathes deeply, then starts giving out orders.

JACK : Right, everyone know what they’re doing ?

GWEN : What if I can’t get Lois to agree to this, Jack ?

JACK : She hasn’t let us down yet. Rhys, you ready ?

Ianto rushes forward, he and Jack load their guns. Jack looks Ianto in the face as he speaks.

JACK : Let’s go stand up to them.

IANTO : Yes, sir.

They exit the warehouse, concealing their weapons.

EXT. Warehouse HUB 2

Jack and Ianto climb into the sports car they nicked from a londoner in Day Two. They buckle up and zoom off, Jack behind the wheel.


Lois splashes water on her face, and looks into the mirror. Gwen types her a message :

GWEN : We can stop this, but we need your help.


BRITISH REPORTER : The government has yet to give a reason why the children have stated a number that is equal to ten percent of the child population of each country.

FRENCH REPORTER : (French words to the same effect of those of the British Reporter) ...a demandé à la Grande-Bretagne qu’elle fasse une declaration...

AMERICAN REPORTER : All eyes are now turning toward the United Kingdom as we ask what exactly they are hiding.

BRITISH REPORTER : London remains gridlocked in the city center.


Jack and Ianto speed up in the flashy car, only to get stuck in traffic. They jump out, intending to complete the journey to Thames House on foot. Ianto pulls out his mobile to call Rhiannon.


Children run around, laughing and screaming. The phone rings, and Rhiannon moves to pounce on it.

RHIANNON : Quiet, you lot, now, shut up ! Hello ?

IANTO : It’s me.

RHIANNON : Oh, I... I thought you couldn’t call here. Is it all over ?


The bald agent is listening in on Rhiannon and Ianto’s phone call.

IANTO : It’s only just beginning.


Johnny enters.

RHIANNON : It’s Ianto.

JOHNNY : Tell him I want my in one piece.


Jack and Ianto are still making their way through the mass of traffic and people on their way to Thames House.

IANTO : Listen, that column of fire over London, did you see it on the telly ?

RHIANNON : No, I was watching the other side. Of course I did, you dumbo. What’s happening ? The kids said “we are coming”, but who’s they ? Who is it ?


As Rhiannon speaks, our bald agent pulls up coordinates of London in an attempt to track Ianto’s location.


IANTO : Just stop a minute and listen.


RHIANNON : Ianto, just tell me, who are they ?


IANTO : They’re from another planet.


Rhiannon looks horrified, and perhaps a little disbelieving.

IANTO : They want children, that’s why they’re here.

RHIANNON : They what ?


The baldheaded agent listens in on his headset with interest, a look of concern coming over his face.

IANTO : They want kids, millions of them.



IANTO : I’m not sure.


IANTO : But for the next few days, don’t let anyone take David or Mica away from you, for whatever reason. This goes for you people listening in on the wire, too. Forget the Official Secrets Act. If you’ve got children or grandchildren you need to hear this, and you need to tell every parent you know.


BALD AGENT : I’ve found Jones. We can assume Harkness is nearby.


AGENT JOHNSON : Okay. Let’s go.


Rhiannon is listening, rapt, to Ianto, with her face full of concern for her little brother.

IANTO : Look, I’ve got to go. I love you. Don’t let the kids out of your sight. I love them, too. I’m even warming to Johnny a bit.

Rhiannon smiles.

RHIANNON : We love you too.

The line goes dead.

RHIANNON : Ianto ? Ianto, are you there ?

Rhiannon hangs up the phone and walks to her daughter, pulling her into a hug.

JOHNNY : What is it ? What did he say ? Come on, Rhi, what did he say ?

Rhiannon doesn’t respond.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Gwen hands a laptop to Rhys, clearly in the process of packing him up so that he can get out.

GWEN : You’ve got to go now.

RHYS : You’re just getting me off of your hands, aren’t you ? You don’t think I can hack in.

GWEN : You’re the most important part of this whole plan.

She kisses Rhys.

GWEN : Now go, you’ve got a job to do, there isn’t much time.

Rhys starts to amble off, and she motions at him to go faster. He leaves the warehouse at a run.


Agent Johnson and her squad show up where Jack and Ianto had been walking a few moments previously, but the street’s deserted now. She talks to her bald agent on her headset.

AGENT JOHNSON : Long gone. Move out.

BALD AGENT : I’ve done a sweep of the surrounding area : two miles south there’s a warehouse area in Battersea. It used to be an old holding facility for Torchwood One, back in the nineties. Could be significant; Ianto Jones worked for Torchwood One.

Johnson climbs back into the car.

AGENT JOHNSON : Can you pinpoint the location ?

BALD AGENT : I’m onto it now.

The squad speeds off.


FROBISHER : We need a cover story to explain why the operation is happening, and to encourage participation. So the suggestion is we announce the children will be given some sort of inoculation; a jab to stop them speaking in unison. We stress that there’s no immediate danger, that everyone will be seen in due course. Then when it goes wrong and the children disappear, we blame the aliens. Claiming innocence, we face the music.

DEFENCE SECRETARY : We say the 456 double-crossed us ?

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Gwen watches the proceedings on the laptop, appalled. Her mobile rings.


Jack and Ianto are still on their march through London. Ianto speaks to Gwen.

IANTO : Okay, Gwen, we’re here.

GWEN : Take care.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Gwen hangs up the phone.


We see a "location confirmed" message pop across the bald agent’s screen, pinpointing Gwen’s location to the suspected Torchwood One warehouse from earlier.

BALD AGENT : Positive ID, Gwen Cooper, Torchwood warehouse.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Gwen is still at the laptop, typing to Lois.

GWEN : Jack is in position. Let’s do it.


Lois is watching the politicians attempt to wash their hands of the blood of millions of innocent children.

RICK YATES : It is the aliens’ fault, and that’s where the blame should lie, not with us.

FROBISHER : We play the part of naive dupes rather than willing accomplices.

PRIME MINISTER : We’re not willing. No one in this room is a willing accomplice.


Agent Johnson and co. are rushing to get to the makeshift Hub to find Gwen. The bald agent speaks to her over the radio.

BALD AGENT : Right, all clear. ETA Torchwood warehouse, 88 seconds.


Jack and Ianto continue to stride purposefully.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Gwen is typing to Lois.

GWEN : Jack is in position. Do it now.


PRIME MINISTER : Thank you, gentlemen. Comments ? Anyone ?

Lois begins to raise her hand, a bit timidly, ignored by the politicians.

RICK YATES : This is going to take a hell of a lot of organization. We’re going to have to tell the police to stand down and put the army in their place. We barely have time to talk, we need to get this thing moving.

The Prime Minister takes off his glasses, preparing to leave. Nobody has noticed Lois raising her hand.

PRIME MINISTER : Then, shall we reconvene at 1800 ?

LOIS : Excuse me ?

The Prime Minister looks directly at her.

BRIDGET SPEARS : Lois, stop it.

LOIS : I have something to say.

Frobisher turns to look at her now, as well. The Prime Minister speaks dismissively to her.

PRIME MINISTER : Really. Well, it’s nice that you want to make a contribution, what was your name ?

LOIS : Lois. Lois Habiba, sir.

As she says her name, Lois stands up.

PRIME MINISTER : Well, thank you for your hard work, Lois, it’s much appreciated, but this really isn’t the best time.

LOIS : I’m sorry, sir, I know I’m only supposed to be here to take notes, but, um, I am a voter.

RICK YATES : Listen, love, this isn’t a referendum.

Bridget Spears rises from her seat as well, looking deeply displeased with Lois’s display of impropriety.

BRIDGET SPEARS : Lois, could I have a word outside ?

Lois looks resolved now, nervousness gone.

LOIS : No, it needs saying.

FROBISHER : Lois, seriously, not now.

LOIS : And I’m not just speaking on my own behalf.

Yates heaves a sigh of exasperation.

RICK YATES : Oh, just what we need, a revolutionary.

LOIS : If you like, sir, that’s what I am.

RICK YATES : Oh yeah ? You and whose army ?

LOIS : Torchwood.

This finally gets the attention of the politicians.


FROBISHER : Don’t be ridiculous.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Gwen’s face shifts from nervous to triumphant.

GWEN : I think she’s doing it... good girl !


LOIS : But Torchwood has been recording all these meetings, and everything that’s been said around this table, every single word spoken by every single one of oyu will be made public, unless you do exactly what Torchwood says.

EXT. Warehouse HUB 2

Agent Johnson and her squad cars zoom up to the exterior of the warehouse where the makeshift Hub is housed. The agents leap out of the car dressed in full riot gear, sprinting to get into place.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Gwen and Clem are seated, intently regarding the proceedings with the politicians. The agents burst in, training their guns on Clem and Gwen. Clem gets up in fear, but Gwen remains seated, her expression cool.

CLEM : Whoah.


Jack and Ianto have finally reached their destination. They enter Thames House, walking past the security guards, who have drawn their weapons, with their guns raised above their heads.

JACK : Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones. We’re Torchwood.

They slam their guns onto the security desk in unison.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Gwen turns away from the laptop to look at Agent Johnson. She’s still smiling serenely.

GWEN : We’ve been expecting you.

AGENT JOHNSON : On the floor ! Face down, hands on your head !

Clem obeys. Gwen remains seated.

GWEN : You traced Ianto’s calls, did you ?

AGENT JOHNSON : On the floor !

Johnson is angry, Gwen is still forceful but totally calm.

GWEN : And now that you’re here, you can take me to Alice and Steven Carter.

AGENT JOHNSON : You’ll be in the very next cell. On second thought, maybe I’ll just have you shot while resisting arrest.

GWEN : That would me a mistake.


GWEN : Take a look at what we’ve been recording.

At the sound of Prime Minister’s voice starts to echo out of the laptop. Johnson lowers her gun and moves forward ever so slightly.


PRIME MINISTER : And how exactly are you going to make us do this ? Torchwood’s been destroyed.

LOIS : I’m afraid not, sir. Right now, Captain Jack Harkness, head of the Torchwood Institute, is in the MI5 building. So you’re going to stand aside, and let him do his job, and deal with the 456, immediately. And, uh... I think that’s it.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

GWEN : What she’s telling them is my gorgeous husband has recordings of them all secretly agreeing to sacrifice millions of innocent children to the aliens. Now, him and his laptop, at this very moment, are in a secret location. And he’s ready to press send and tell the whole world what’s been going on, unless you do exactly as we say.

There is a pause, and Agent Johnson’s face softens slightly.

GWEN : Take a seat, maybe you’ll learn something about the people you’ve been working for. Come on, Clem.

Gwen reaches down to Clem, who was cowering on the floor in the face of the agents’ guns.


Jack and Ianto get up to floor thirteen, rushing out as soon as the doors ding open. There are some guards there, too. Jack addresses Mr. Dekker.

JACK : I want to feed the live TV pictures directly to this number, can you do that ?

Mr DEKKER : I can do that.

They move purposefully down the hall to the room where the 456 is being housed.


Jack and Ianto stand directly in front of the tank, side-by-side, facing the 456. Jack wastes no time in addressing the alien.

JACK : I’m Captain Jack Harkness. I’ve dealt with you lot before. I’m here to explain why this time, you’re not getting what you want.

456 : You yielded in the past.


The politicians are watching Jack and Ianto converse with the 456. As Jack owns up to the fact that he was involved in the 1965, the Prime Minister and Frobisher exchange a glance.

JACK : And don’t I know it. I was there. In 1965, I was part of that trade, and that’s why I’m never going to let it happen again.


456 : Explain.

JACK : There’s a saying here on Earth, a very old, very wise friend of mine taught me it : an injury to one is an injury to all. And when people act according to that philosophy, the human race is the finest species in the Universe.

IANTO : Never mind the philosophy. What he’s saying is you’re not getting one solitary, single child. The deal is off.

JACK : Uh, I like the philosophy.

IANTO : I gathered.

456 : You yielded in the past. You will do so, again.

JACK : In the past, the numbers were so small they could be kept secret, but this time, that is not going to happen.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Clem, Gwen and agent Johnson are watching the proceedings in Thames House as well.

JACK : Because we’ve recorded everything. All the negotiations.


JACK : Everything the politicians said. Everything that happened in this room. And those tapes will be released to the public.

Denise Riley, the Prime Minister and the others look startled.


JACK : Unless you leave this planet for good.

456 : You yielded in the past. You will do so again.

JACK : When people find out the truth, you will have over six billion angry human beings taking up arms to fight you. That might be a fight you think you can win, but at the end of it, the human race in defense of its children will fight to the death. And if I have to lead them in to battle, I will.

IANTO : You’ve got enough information on this planet. Check your records. His name is Captain Jack Harkness. Go back a hundred and fifty years and see what you’re facing.

456 : This is fascinating, isn’t it ?

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Clem twitches at the 456’s statement.

CLEM : Isn’t it, isn’t it ? It knows I’m watching.


456 : The human infant mortality rate is 29,158 deaths per day. Every three seconds, child dies. The human response is to accept, and adapt.

JACK : We’re adapting right now, and we’re amking this a war.

456 :Then the fight begins.

JACK : We’re wating for your reply.

456 : Action has been taken.

Alarms blare; Thames House goes lockdown.

JACK : What have you done ?

456: You wanted a demonstration of war. A virus has been released. It will kill everyone in the building.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

AGENT JOHNSON : Can we override it ?

GWEN : I don’t know.


FROBISHER : The building’s designed to withstand chemical and biological attack. Nothing or no one can get in or out.

PRIME MINISTER : Ugh. Happy now ?


Office persons rush out of the elevator, screaming and panicking. Some of them are already starting to collapse, and are trampled by the others.


Jack runs in, addressing the guards from earlier.

JACK : The air’s poison. Call someone. Shut down the air conditioning, block every air vent. Get gas masks, hazard suits, oxygen cylinders.


Well-dressed bureaucrats continue to trample each other in their futile attempt to escape the virus. Mr. Dekker is among them.


Ianto cocks his gun and aims it at the 456’s tank, but is totally calm as he speaks.

IANTO : If there’s a virus, then there must be an antivirus. Release it now, or I’ll blow a hole in that tank, and we’ll all die together.

Jack runs back in, frantic. Panic is obvious in his voice.

JACK : You made your point, now stop this and we can talk.

456 : You are dying, even now.

Jack and Ianto fire at the tank. The bullets ricochet off the glass, leaving no holes or even scratches. They lower their guns as the 456 lets out a piercing screech. The dial on the front of its tank fluctuates wildly.

JACK : What’s that noise ? What’s it doing ?

Green mucus splatters against the tank wall as the alien continues to shriek eerily, banging its creepy claws against the glass.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Clem screams in agony, holding his head in his hands. The 456’s screams can be heard here. Gwen gets up and rushes over to him.

GWEN : Turn it off, turn it off !

Johnson switches off the laptop, but Clem continues to cry out. Gwen pulls him into her arms; blood is coming out of his ears.


Jack turns to Ianto, putting his hands on his shoulders so that they’re in an embrace that mirrors Gwen and Clem’s. Jack’s eyes are already filling with tears.

JACK : We’ve got to get you out of here. I can survive anything, but you can’t !

IANTO : Too late. I’ve breathed the air.

JACK : There’s got to be something... there’s got to be an antidote !

Ianto is already visibly weakening.

456 : You said you would fight.

Jack lets go of Ianto, turns to shout helplessly at the 456’s tank.

JACK : Then I take it back, alright ? I take it all back... but not him !

Ianto falls to his knees, Jack sinks down with him in a futile attempt to keep him up.

JACK : No ! No, no, no, no, no, no, no... no ! No. Ianto. No, no, no...

Ianto is sprawled on the floor, Jack cradles him and cries.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Clem is having a much more violent death than Ianto... he’s flailing around and screaming while Gwen tries to hold on to him. Agent Johnson looks on in horror. Blood runs from Clem’s nose and ears.


456 : The remnant will be disconnected.

The dial on the tank twitches like mad, then falls still.

INT. Warehouse HUB 2

Clem stops screaming with a groan. Gwen continues to hold him for a moment before she realizes what has happened. She lays him gently down on the bench. Gwen and Johnson are wearing the same expression, for once: shock.

GWEN : He’s dead. What about Thames house ?

AGENT JOHNSON : They can’t get out.

Gwen buries her face in her hands, slumped over in defeat.

GWEN: ...dead.


There is no sound in this montage, only the music. Mr. Dekker runs down a hallway alone, to where his equipment for monitoring the 456 was stored in Day One. People in business attire still run about frantically, toppling over and trampling each other in their desperate bid for escape. Mr. Dekker makes it to a hazard suit. He flings off his shoes and pulls it on. Guards use hammers to attempt to break the doors, but it’s of no use : nobody can get out. We see an exterior shot of the front door of Thames House... people are banging on the doors. They begin to sink to the floor, almost as one. Mr. Dekker breathes in his suit, his breath fogging his safety helmet just as the others’ breath fogged the front doors.


JACK : It’s all my fault.

IANTO : No it’s not.

JACK : Don’t speak, save your breath.

Ianto begins to sob a bit.

IANTO : I love you.

Jack shakes his head.

JACK : Don’t.

Ianto’s eyes fall closed... Jack shakes him a little in desperation, his voice breaking during the next line.

JACK : Ianto. Ianto ? Ianto, stay with me. Ianto, stay with me please... stay with me, stay with me, please !

Ianto opens his eyes again, and looks up at Jack. Jack is crying. They’re both trying to be strong for each other but it’s of no use.

IANTO : Hey. It was... good, yeah ?

JACK : Yeah.

IANTO : Don’t forget me.

Jack smiles.

JACK : Never could.

IANTO : A thousand years’ time... you won’t remember me.

JACK : Yes I will. I promise, I will.

Ianto gasps a bit, finally dying.

JACK : Ianto. Ianto ? Don’t go. Don’t leave me, please. Please, don’t...

456 : You will die. And tomorrow, your people will deliver the children.

Jack looks up at the 456, the picture of tragedy: he has tears running down his face and is clutching Ianto’s body. He places a gentle kiss on Ianto’s lips and falls beside him.


They were watching Jack and Ianto’s doomed stand: there is utter silence in the room.


RICK YATES : Two choices : eigher we go to war against an enemy we can’t beat, or we go to war against our own people, for their own good.

DENISE RILEY : An injury to one is not an injury to all. We can’t go to war, we have to surrender.

PRIME MINISTER : Thirty-five million children.

DENISE RILEY : Or 6.75 billion people.

The Prime Minister addresses Frobisher.

PRIME MINISTER : Start putting your plan into action.


Gwen follows two soldiers down an aisle among rows and rows of bodies covered in blood red tarps. One points off screen for her, directing her to her fallen comrades.

SOLDIER : 13, 14.

Gwen stands, steeling herself for a moment. She slowly moves forward, her boots clicking loudly in the dead silent room. She kneels down between the bodies labeled 13 and 14. She pulls the cover off of the first body, revealing Jack. Looking down at his body, she smiles tenderly. A dark look comes over her face as she glances down at the other body.

She remains still for a moment before she pulls back the cloth to look at Ianto. Unlike Jack, he’s pale and obviously will not be coming back. Jack gasps to life, but softly, unlike his usual huge intake of breath. He sits up, looks forward, glances to his side, and then stares at his lap, unable to look at Gwen and Ianto beside him. Gwen begins to cry softly. Jack comes up behind her and puts his arms around her, and together they look down at Ianto.

GWEN : There’s nothing we can do.



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chrismaz66  (31.10.2016 à 09:03)

J'ai adoré, surtout la fin ;-D


Merci aux 5 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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